Some may have seen my other thread getting my head around the impending rebuild of my old Seafarer.
Well, its started and i thought i would catalogue it on here for everyone's amusement, I mean benefit.
Today was my first big day of demolition, I did do a couple hours on the weekend, but this was my first chance to sink my teeth right into it.
And as luck would have it, a lot of the gear i ordered rocked up today too.
Anyway photos attached.
The front section flooring cut away.
And again.
Getting into the main cabin.
One stringer out already, quicker then i thought.
As you can see I managed to get half the floor out, and a stringer.
I had heard about the old boats like this using Masonite in the floor, but i was still amazed to find a floor made entirely of about 4mm Masonite.
A credit to Seafarer though, after 35 or so years it was still dry as under the floor.
The stringer didn't seem to be rotten, but it was fairly brittle, coming out in several pieces. Down where it joins the transom was soggy as hell though.
The floor did have a couple of soft spots, i thought this would've been rot, but it was where the Masonite had failed and cracked.
Some of the fibreglassing on the stringer was pretty ordinary, lucky it was really dry, because i don't think it was very watertight.
I have changed my original plan, and i think that i will do the stringers one at a time, instead of removing the lot and replacing them all, i think this might minimize the chance of the boat warping with no support in it. I will at least get them glued in and glassed along the bottom, then finish the lot at the end.
Gonna go get some Marine ply, i think 18mm for stringers, 12mm for the floor and 6mm in the areas where there is no weight on it (bulkheads into the cabin etc...)