Hi all,,, seems to be a bit quite around the forums???
Hi all,,, seems to be a bit quite around the forums???
can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgG_TxEPaQE
I don't get on here that much anymore
I check to see whats happening most evenings.....
I caught a flathead
Reckon we need some more boat build threads.
Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.
What we really need is an e-tec powered cat to roll over, that should start some debate.
Last edited by Noelm; 12-07-2018 at 06:43 PM. Reason: typo
Bloody injectors
I originally got on here for the fishing reports, more a habit now. Due to being banned for various reasons a lot of the originals disappeared and that part of the site has never been the same again. Mackmauler in his cylinder open tinny catching marlin, the restaurant owner's (can't remember) exploits in the bay on the massive cobia etc etc.
Maybe it coincided with Facebook becoming a monster.
Same, check in most days. But pretty quiet.
sign of the times, I think everyone goes to Facebook now days.
i enjoyed Grand marlins comments when i joined, convinced me of the benefits of a sharkcat, and so l bought one.
Lots of funny stuff has been posted over the years, anyone remember the guy that tossed a Snapper head at (I think) a JetSki, and hit him? Lots of boat "issues" that went for pages and pages, countless Yamaha is the best threads, just as many 2 stroke V 4 stroke threads, glass V aluminium debates, lots of things to laugh about, and some to near cry about too.