Hi all
made the last minute decision to load up and race up to Agnes on Thursday night.
Had some mate staying in town, so crashed with them, and had a late start Friday morning with the forecast being crap, but getting better.
Breeze from the south was solid 15kn, probably gusting better, so an uncomfortable trip north had us fishing near Lamont by around 1pm.
Plenty of RTE plus a nice Spano, and we moved up to Fitzroy for the last hour or two of light. Had a great night of RTE and trout, another Spano plus some bits and pieces, and we tucked into the lagoon for a raft up and few beers.
Breeze settled over night, and we made the call to just return to the front of Fitzroy light the afternoon before, fished through til lunch time, leaving a couple of fish in our bag to stop on the way home on a few shoals.
Boat at back on the trailer by 4pm, for a BBQ back in Agnes, and drive home on Sunday morning.
Got out our bag of reef fin fish made up of mostly RTE and some nice trout. Also got 4 Spanish, and lost many more.
Cant wait to get back up there again.
Cheers Rob