Ahh thanks for clearing this up fella's
If you speak to jono from jb marine in ingham he has experience in repowering i think more than one kevlacat from zucs to mercs (was a dealer in both) with gains
Hey Dan, surprised your not putting a couple of white motors on it.Anyway I believe the truisms " no replacement for displacement" & "always go max horsepower", so another vote for the merc 115 pro xs. Plus its got a red stripe.(but I`m probably biased)![]()
Just to end this thread I have decided to go with some mercury 90hp command thrusts. I am driving down to Sydney this wkend to grab them the price was right for a pair of 2017 models with low hours saving a lot of money over new which makes it worth the risk.
Cheers Dan
I am about an hour south of Sydney if you need anything.
Cheers Noelm hopefully we will be all good but will keep it in mind. Going to tow the cat down so I can just bolt them on and package up the rest and leave again hopefully all goes well.
Jesus pretty keen towing the boat down.
what Props come with the CT's.
I had a CT 60 and there was a bit of trial an error in getting the right props.
Still have a spare 4 blade in the shed from my CT 60 HP
14x19p enertia current motors have 18p vengeance So hopefully being higher gearcase should be right time will tell.
And yes Noelm I know but easiest way as engine crane will be on back of Ute so don’t really have the room for everything should be ok I hope. Will let you guys know Monday.
Bit of an update. Well I done 1800km in
31 hours including removing motors and accesories off the other boat and fitting motors to our cat. Was buggered when I rolled back home at 230am Monday morning.
Finished fitting off motors this afternoon and took them for a quick run and I am extremely happy with them so far. They plane low have plenty of grunt and the props seam to be just right, had a light load today of 3 people and about half tanks and they revved out to 6000rpm so I know they aren’t over propped at least. The big 14x19 emerita props hold the boat so steady it’s like a completely different boat!
The only thing I have noticed so far is the counter rotating motor seams to be using about 4lt an hour more cruising which I thought was a little odd??? Could anyone care to confirm or deny?
I know its common for one motor to use noticeably more fuel than the other, there is thoughts that the different gear box on the counter to affect fuel use, but not exactly sure on that, my motors are both standard rotation, and the port motor uses measurably more fuel than the starboard.