woolies bags
woolies bags
I guess you are referring to the ban on plastic shopping bags? I was talking to a green hippie type just the other day at the checkout, and she was telling me what a great idea it was, I went on to point out the plastic milk containers and polystyrene trays her meat was in, the plastic wrapping the rolls of toilet paper and so on, her reply was that stuff was OK, because it goes in the bin!
Coles and Woolworths just want to save money by not giving away free bags and now we have to purchase bin lining bags from them to put our rubbish in. Its a win win for them as there is profit in those plastic bags.
Not all tools are usefull.
Nappies and politicians should be changed regularly for the same reason..
I guess the cost of plastic bags must be significant to supermarkets, so I can see why it would be nice to be able to scrap them, but why can't they go back to paper bags like we had for decades? or as mentioned, simply advertise that the bags they now use just break down after quite a short time, I think polystyrene that comes with almost every toy, appliance or gadget we buy is a major drama too.
I have never seen millions of miles of pro fisher lines and nets anywhere along the Mid North Coast, especially around Port Macquarie
Yeah , your right Noelm , the giveaway bags at the checkout are only a very small part of the problem...but the silly greenies would have a fit if we went back to paper bags !...made from trees !!!...oh noooo.. But if all the shredded trees and scrap timber were re-cycled into bags there wouldn't be a lot more cut for paper bags , as its only the rubbish trees required for bags anyway
I wonder if they would have banned them if every bag used was scanned and (say) 5 cents was added to the total?