Ok Andy. The set up I was looking (and still) at has temperature senor and the engine alternator produces120 amp's at 3000 rpm. The alternator will be connected to the crank bank and the DC-DC charger will be connected to the house bank. The DC-DC charger will be only charging the house bank and the solar will also be connected to the DC-DC charger. From what I have been told the alternator of that output will keep the crank bank charged and also have plenty left over for the DC-DC charger to service the house bank. Now a lot depends on how long the engine is running and how much power is being used and I also have a monitor to keep track of all of this. Also a low voltage alarm/shut off if all goes to shit will be installed. Will install a switch to connect both battery banks if I have a crank battery failure to get me started. The only draw on the crank will be the anchor winch and 2 x engine blowers which only run while the engine is operating.
The house bank will feed everything else in the boat and I will have 3 x Blue Sea's fuse boards and one fuse board will have what I would call the must have to operate like radio, nav lights, bilge pumps etc. This board will have a switch over so it can be run from either the house or crank bank.
I am starting fresh with the re-wire and have the perfect opportunity now to set it up while everything is removed from the boat. The wiring before was just a disaster waiting to happen even more so with a petrol inboard that was installed. The previous owner said he was not getting much life out of the batteries and had to replace them often. I didn't care to much about that for when I looked at the wiring it was all going in the wheelie bin anyway. I really don't know how it never blew up.
Anyway really want to get this right and everyone's input is appreciated.