Originally Posted by
Thanks for that run down Moose. Its exactly what most of us want to see. These are the things that ran through my mind too. HOWEVER.
Some of your statements need to be fleshed out a bit, what criterea do you use to judge build quality? Is it reliability or performance? These are two separate issues which always get confused and can land you in hot water. To me build quality, is a reliability issue. To others, the words have different meanings. Performance however, everyone understands.
So are you using both ideas in your" build quality" statement? Do the asthetics come into your thinking?
As an example, a new BMW would have fantastic build quality but we all know it can be a nightmare if things go wrong. A toyota has washing machine characteristics but also has a reputation for reliability. Which has better build quality? Take out the subjective and it gets more accurate. You can have an opinion, but it should be thus stated. We dont judge people on opinions, lol
Just peel that onion a bit more and it would be a fantastic reference Moose.