I've now pulled out the underfloor aluminium fuel tank and need to do some maintenance before putting it back, there are 2 things I would like to do but not sure how to go about it.
The tank basically just sits there in the well and I would like to somehow use some wedges to secure it between the tank and the well as at the front end there are signs where the bottom corners are starting to wear through the floor with sideway movement. The rear end is where the fuel entry/exits are so it doesn't move here. What sort if material would I use.
The clearance above the tank in some places is mere millimetres, there is evidence where the tank has rubbed at times, this would occur in heavy seas which the boat has seen quite a few times. Would a sheet of neoprene work here, I have read where rubber products can accelerates corrosion and cause pinholes. What other material could I use, I was also thinking of some sort of cloth type material like woven fibrglass or kevlar but once again what are the issues.