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Downriggers - WTB
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Thread: Downriggers - WTB

  1. #1

    Downriggers - WTB

    Hi All

    I'm considering putting a down rigger on my boat (5m Seajay barramasta) to use for slow trolling live baits or positioning live baits in a burly trail .
    I've had basic experience with them over the years & do see the advantage of having one..... but never bit the bullet.

    I know a basic lake troller would probably suffice but since I do fish on my own regularly maybe an electric one would be best . Now looking at these things you could be spending a few hundred up to 3 grand

    So what are the things to look for - the good the bad & ugly ..... makes , models etc

    any help is appreciated

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
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  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Kalbarri, WA

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Alvey used to do the best one--far more rugged and less expensive than all these fancy yank ones. See if you can pick one up s/hand, or stock left in a shop gathering dust. Alvey stopped making them before they shut down. I can drag a 10lb ball down down 20 metres easily on mine. And, after replacing the number counter on it, then replaced the wire with cheap 200lb braid, depth marked, so I don't need the counter any more, anyway. Mine is clamped onto a piece of s/s tube that drops into a rod holder, works a treat.

  3. #3

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    If you can spare the coin go electric. I've got one of each - both Cannons. The ability to simply push a button and a few seconds later have the wire out of the way is a big plus.

  4. #4

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Quote Originally Posted by scottar View Post
    If you can spare the coin go electric. I've got one of each - both Cannons. The ability to simply push a button and a few seconds later have the wire out of the way is a big plus.
    At this early stage I'm thinking electric ..... specially useful if fishing on my own
    The Cannon auto rewind looks like a nifty feature ....... get a hookup & up she comes

    Have you had any issues with the Electric Cannon ?

    Cannon Vs Scotty ..... hmmm

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  5. #5

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    No issues to date Chris. Even when you have a crew on board it's effectively another set of hands - we have lost fish to the wire on the manual one when there is too much going on to get it out of the way straight up. One up it would be more useful. Only real downsides other than price are weight and size for storage. It mounts on a rod holder fitting so it doesn't live on the gunwale while traveling - gets put away in the half cab or at least bought into the cockpit to keep it out of the spray. Can't comment on the Scotty - never used one.

  6. #6

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Quote Originally Posted by scottar View Post
    No issues to date Chris. Even when you have a crew on board it's effectively another set of hands - we have lost fish to the wire on the manual one when there is too much going on to get it out of the way straight up. One up it would be more useful. Only real downsides other than price are weight and size for storage. It mounts on a rod holder fitting so it doesn't live on the gunwale while traveling - gets put away in the half cab or at least bought into the cockpit to keep it out of the spray. Can't comment on the Scotty - never used one.
    Yes , I've seen issues with manual down riggers too - as I said electric makes more sense if fishing alone .
    they are bulky items - that's for sure

    I'm going to look at a fixed base rather than a rod holder mount - removable but the base is fixed - sadly on a side console there is little in the way of storage options ( I need to check measurements) . There is a spray cover available too .
    The unit I'm looking at is the Cannon Magnum 10 stx atm but need to do some more research .

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
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    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2007

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Cannon's are much cheaper in the US.
    I got one throuigh bass pro or similar a few years ago and even with the very expensive freight it worked out much cheaper (depending on aud value)
    I'd be investigating US prices and a freight forwarder or a chain that sends via surface mail (bass pro and capbelas only send as airfreight which is expensive )

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Kalbarri, WA

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    The old Alvey has a decent retrieve rate, effectively being one of their smaller snapper winches, with different mounting. I have found the best technique is to keep driving away after a strike--you should have plenty of drop back, especially if you are running deep, and this keeps both pelagics away from the braid, and helps to plane the big demersdals up and away from home. No need to grab the rod immediately you have a strike, 10 secs to winch the weight up, get it clear, then pick up the rod. Hitting nuetral as soon as you get a strike in any kind of trolling is a no no anyway.
    I gave away using wire--you could hear it sing in the water, and it twists up and weakens significantly. I bought 200m of 200lb cheap braid off ebay, depth marked every 10 meters, for about $12--You could cut the bottom 20m off every year, and it will still last a long time. We troll lures for Spaniards when they are holding deep around the big bait schools, and also troll for big demersals like Rankins cod and Coronation trout. Haven't actually scored a coral trout yet, but, early days. Those big bottom dwellers love scoffing a big lure. Both these caught off the lead ball.

  9. #9

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Quote Originally Posted by ranmar850 View Post
    The old Alvey has a decent retrieve rate, effectively being one of their smaller snapper winches, with different mounting. I have found the best technique is to keep driving away after a strike--you should have plenty of drop back, especially if you are running deep, and this keeps both pelagics away from the braid, and helps to plane the big demersdals up and away from home. No need to grab the rod immediately you have a strike, 10 secs to winch the weight up, get it clear, then pick up the rod. Hitting nuetral as soon as you get a strike in any kind of trolling is a no no anyway.
    I gave away using wire--you could hear it sing in the water, and it twists up and weakens significantly. I bought 200m of 200lb cheap braid off ebay, depth marked every 10 meters, for about $12--You could cut the bottom 20m off every year, and it will still last a long time. We troll lures for Spaniards when they are holding deep around the big bait schools, and also troll for big demersals like Rankins cod and Coronation trout. Haven't actually scored a coral trout yet, but, early days. Those big bottom dwellers love scoffing a big lure. Both these caught off the lead ball.
    Nice fish Ranmar. We do use them occasionally when the current is pumping in 50 to 70 metres in a similar fashion for snapper but primarily it gets used for shallow (sub 15 metres) trolling running live baits. We have found running to much drop back where we fish ends up with baits getting caught in the reef so we keep them up close - about 10 metres. Our Spaniards seem to manage to find the wire with reasonable regularity if you don't get it out of the way and not grabbing the rod given we are usually only doing 1-2 knots is also not really an option - gets pretty interesting if you manage a double or triple hookup - two downriggers has proven to be a recipe for comedy on more than one occasion. Just fishing a different way I guess.

  10. #10

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Quote Originally Posted by myusernam View Post
    Cannon's are much cheaper in the US.
    I got one throuigh bass pro or similar a few years ago and even with the very expensive freight it worked out much cheaper (depending on aud value)
    I'd be investigating US prices and a freight forwarder or a chain that sends via surface mail (bass pro and capbelas only send as airfreight which is expensive )
    Yes - looking at that already ...... approx. half the cost (incl freight) ....
    Less than $1000 incl a stainless steel low profile swivel mount

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  11. #11

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Here s a price comparison - Cannon Magnum 10stx local RRP A$1539
    Blue bottle fishing (Ebay Aus) A$1605 + $13.50 postage

    Price break deals (Ebay US) - US $569 + US$38 Shipping or approx. A$890 ..... I've used these guys before & they are excellent

    In essence - I can land an Electric Cannon for about $130 more than a manual one (Cannon Uni troll)

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2007

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Yes BLA rape. Do it. There's not much that can go wrong with them. Vote with your feet. The owners of these companies are very wealthy at the expense of ordinary Australians.

  13. #13

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    I have owned 3 down riggers first one I never used, second one was a kayak down rigger called Att Wood came with a 3lb bomb I used it off the back of a 3.75m tinny and a mates Stacer 4.7m we hook up to 90cm kings in 20 meters of water the kings were sit ting on a ledge
    Next downrigger was and still is a Cannon Lake Troll I have owned this one for 8 years with only 2 problems the wire singing and the release washers needing lube besides that best down rigger ever so happy I went from a horizontal manual wind down wind up model to auto down manual up
    When u put the downrigger on your boat place it out the back if possible as your fish finder will dis play the depth your bomb is at also you'll often see the bait too and any fish following the bait

  14. #14

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Quote Originally Posted by gazza2006au View Post
    I have owned 3 down riggers first one I never used, second one was a kayak down rigger called Att Wood came with a 3lb bomb I used it off the back of a 3.75m tinny and a mates Stacer 4.7m we hook up to 90cm kings in 20 meters of water the kings were sit ting on a ledge
    Next downrigger was and still is a Cannon Lake Troll I have owned this one for 8 years with only 2 problems the wire singing and the release washers needing lube besides that best down rigger ever so happy I went from a horizontal manual wind down wind up model to auto down manual up
    When u put the downrigger on your boat place it out the back if possible as your fish finder will dis play the depth your bomb is at also you'll often see the bait too and any fish following the bait
    Placement of the down rigger is going to be challenging - my ideal position is right where the transom live bait tank is - which leaves the the starboard side in the corner behind the skippers seat ........ not ideal as it is reasonably cramped back there & would be difficult to work on the bomb etc . The only place effectively is the port gunnel about 1.5m up from the transom which is ok as the boom extends to 1.35m . At least in that position - its easy to work the rigger.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  15. #15

    Re: Downriggers - WTB

    Quote Originally Posted by myusernam View Post
    Yes BLA rape. Do it. There's not much that can go wrong with them. Vote with your feet. The owners of these companies are very wealthy at the expense of ordinary Australians.
    I have ...... should have the Cannon Magnum 10 in a couple of weeks .
    I've spoken to a few people about cannon down riggers (electric) & there doesn't seem to be any issues with breakdowns / electrics etc. So for the sake of a 1 year warranty I'll gladly leave that $700 in my own wallet .

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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