what about compared to the more traditional Bennet and Lenco?
Howdy all., our first Group Buy for 2018!
A New Design (22).jpg
We have a limited number of Zipwake 300s Automatic trim systems available for $2299 (usually $2699)
For most boats i find interceptor systems work extremely well, i have a history of using Humphree and QL trim systems. both have their pros and cons. i found the Volvo systems did have a higher failure rate than what i liked. but these Zipwakes are becoming quite the favourite. featuring a digital display giving Pitch/roll and GPS speed, interceptor percentage readouts. they work extremely fast with no corrosive materials and crazy easy installation.
Shipping AUS wide is $29
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what about compared to the more traditional Bennet and Lenco?
Plate styles are still a good option on highspeed boats.
As a comparison.
Lenco 9x12 kits without switch $860 + Lenco Autoglide kit $3300 (AUD around $2650) so street value for lencos $3510
Lectrotab 9x12 without switch $800 + Lectrotab auto kit $1600 = $2400
Bennets auto kit + standard plate kit $2179