If the pressure is right but the water isnt hot enough just recycle it grom the shower rose back into the container to raise the 'start temperature'.
Hey That's exactly what I was thinking from the start. At least with a new larger pump I can restrict the flow enough to allow enough heat build up. I'll have a play and see how it goes. Cheers
Another trick to help your heatet is wrapping black plastic tightly around your containers and leave them in the sun. Good for bloody cold bore water in winter.
Scrotty, have you actually checked the flow of your pump. Turn it on and see how long it takes to fill your average bucket, usually 9 litres. The flow rate of 6 l/m should be sufficient for a shower.
This is exactly what I do in the snowy mountains in winter!! I run a different brand hotwater system there (read small) and run the hot water back into the bladder till its at decent showering temperature. Does not matter what brand hot water system you run up there, when you sucking up water that has ice on it no portable system will make it warm enough to shower in!
It get heaps hot for a shower just not enough water pressure.
The image I put up indicates it is capable of 10 litres per minute, so 600 litres per hour.. So you need a pump capable of providing that flow. David