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Thread: Whale hunt

  1. #1

    Whale hunt

    Ok, so the kids want to see a whale or two this weekend, can't believe my fishing passion has been elevated t(not) to whale watching but whale watching it is for me this weekend. Murphy's law will dictate there is not one to be seen at the one single moment in my boating lifetime I am actually trying to find one so really keen to hear some positive news please on confirmed sightings in the last few days of the Goldy?? Hopefully there are some numbers coming through to improve my chances.


  2. #2

    Re: Whale hunt

    yes i would like to take the wife whale watching too , can any tell me if its still a 200 metre exclusion zone, and any tips on how to aproach, correct me if im wrong but they are heading south this time of year?

  3. #3

    Re: Whale hunt

    Catshark, southbound they are, rules, i'm no expert but they swim under my boat all the time.

  4. #4
    Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member jackson4300's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Whale hunt

    Report of whales right in close to the seaway a couple days ago.

  6. #6

    Re: Whale hunt

    See them almost every time I go fishing off the Gold Coast.

    They seem very inquisitive and approach the boat most times.

    Had a close call with one last year where it launched itself totally out of the water.
    Spectacular thing to see, except we were about 30 meters away, and the tidal wave produced was massive.
    It absolutely scared our living daylights and we got the feeling, it was telling us to bugger off from the area.

    So now, every time they come close to us, we start the boat and move to a safe distance away from them.

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