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Thread: Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

  1. #1

    Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

    Hi guys

    I've just bought a new boat after a long 5 years without one. Last time I owned a boat I didn't live in Brisbane, so after some advice.

    I thought I would have no problem boating around Jacobs Well, Jumpinpin etc, but today when I asked someone they said I'd probably only want to go there in 5 knot winds or less. Is that right? All pictures I've seen of people fishing around there it looks perfect in the background. I obviously wouldn't be crossing the bar, but what about the rest of the area? Does it get much chop/swell? Any areas in particular to avoid? Best time to go?

    My boat is a brand new 3.85m SeaJay Creek Masta high side with a 25hp 4 stroke Yamaha and Minn Kota.

    Thanks in advance.
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  2. #2

    Re: Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

    Mate that is the perfect boat enjoy some amazing fishing at the well.
    they were even getting some tuna in near the bar on the inside last year...
    happy days ahead summer is coming

  3. #3

    Re: Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

    All things within reason and you will be fine.

    We have fished down there in similar boats without problem, but you do need to be careful though...While swell inside isn't and issue there can be a lot of big boats moving around at times and it can get choppy from the wash, similarly it can be blowy enough to make things uncomfortable in a small boat.

    That said...Take it easy and be cautious,at least until you get a feel for the practical capabilities of boat, and you will have a ball down there.

    Best advice...hat and sun screen,

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums

  4. #4

    Re: Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

    You could also try on hte Logan river, there are a couple of ramps including one near The Gem Bait and Tackle. If you put in there you can do some work in the shltered water of the River to get used to the boat. It tends to be a little less busy there too in general compared to ramps at Cabbage Tree etc. There are plenty of places you can fish on the Logan or the Albert, or you could duck down to the mouth and fish Marks Rocks or the powerlines no worries at all. Got a good ten lb est cod near the Rocks last time I was down there and there are always flattie and bream around. Some good crabs can be caught from there ass well.

  5. #5

    Re: Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

    While there are some bodies of water down the Pin and surrounding areas that are large enough to get to a "dangerous" condition in high winds, there is always somewhere down that way that is protected enough to fish. The main Pin area (from the bar to Short Island) can get a small residual swell if conditions offshore are big enough and the direction of travel is right to funnel it through the bar entrance. Against the tide (which can run pretty hard in this area) it potentially can get pretty uncomfortable. As previously mentioned, boat wash can be an issue. On big public holidays I have seen it too rough to tow a tube on a perfectly calm day. I fish the entire area in a 3.5 barra punt style hull from time to time - various spots depending on wind. In that size boat I would say anything up to 15 knots would still make for a pretty comfortable day out somewhere down there. There are plenty of ramps available - I tend to use Cabbage Tree Point but have also used Jacobs well, Runaway Bay and the private ramp in the Logan River on occasions. (plenty of sandbanks in the Logan at night LOL.)

  6. #6

    Re: Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

    Thanks for the advice guys. I'll give it a go and will take it easy until I get to know the area.

  7. #7

    Re: Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

    Quote Originally Posted by plastix4me View Post

    but today when I asked someone they said I'd probably only want to go there in 5 knot winds or less.
    Either they have no idea or they were having a lend of you

  8. #8

    Re: Jumpinpin/ Jacobs Well questions

    Go for a run at low tide from cabbage tree to the pin and then up to Tipplers, check out all the big sand banks that are exposed, while they are exposed at either going out or coming in tide you will do well throwing plastics near the edges and bouncing them back, or drift with white bait on small ganged hooks or a prawn and lift 30 cm off the bottom every 15 seconds or so..

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