I recently purchased a 12lb boneless ribeye from my local grocer. what caught my eye about it was the fact it had the blue diamond Kilcoy label, it was marked as being from Australia, the price per lb. ($4.99 usd) , and I live about a 5 hour drive west of New York City.
We have an Outback Steakhouse at the local shopping center and that is about as Aussie as it gets around here.
Being that it was half the price of the other steaks in the case and it looked pretty good, I took the bait.
It is the best damned beef I think I have ever eaten. Good on ya Kilcoy!
but now I'm curious about how I can buy beef shipped from Austrailia at half the price of what's normally in the case here, and what do you guys pay per lb for it at your local market? I suppose there are trade deals and whatnot, that stuff gets over my head pretty quickly.
can you buy US beef locally? what does that run per lb, comparatively, and what do you think of it's quality?
when I asked for more, the butcher told me it was a one-off offer from their supplier and had no idea if or when there would be more coming. maybe they had had an order cancled or something, I don't know. but I want more!
cheers, and happy grilling,