Plan was to head out late Friday night and catch the low tide overnight and then take it from there.
Well a two-truck accident on port drive threw that plan out the window. Didn't really want to go over the bridge and launch from Pinkenba so decided to wait it out. Got as far as I could just after 11 and then got the boat and all my gear sorted and ready and just waited. Traffic started heading in to the port slowly at about 2am.
Once on the water conditions were good, managed a few good mullet around boggy creek area, then up the chute and got some big herring and a couple of pike.
Found a few fish alongside one of the wharves and anchored up over them. Sat there for a while watching fish come and go on the sounder before I decided to try and get some sleep. I had just got comfortable and about to fall asleep when one of the rods starts bouncing around. The mullet was going mental and a few moments later the mullet was firmly lodged in the mouth of a nice 90cm Jew! A nice fight and the ghost popped up beside the boat, pretty happy with that.
Wasn't long after this that the fish stopped showing up on the sounder so I made a move. Only about 80m further up I found the fish again. Re-anchored and deployed baits.
It didn't take long and the live pike starts slowly moving away. Set the hook and realised it wasn't a Jew... Not much of a fight so was thinking a cattie or an eel, but I was surprised when a 69cm flatty came up.
Fished for a couple more hours for not a lot, packed up and went home.