Hi all,
Its my first time posting here and im hoping I could get the valuable info from members on this forum regarding a few things for my cruise craft that I am about to begin over hauling. I am about to add a full pod and marlin boards to my 5mtre cruise craft regal. Also a new transom. However during the planning phase I am trying to work out how I can fit a set of trim tabs. I do use the boat a bit for beach launching so I am thinking that the only trim tabs I would be able to use would be the volvo penta tabs, however I am a little dubious as to wether they will survive launching off the beach or not.
I am wondering if I need to somehow recess them into the transom so that they are not as susceptible to having the full weight of the boat resting on them. I know that the pod will take the majority of the weight when launching but can anyone provide any opinions, and also, how tough are the tabs??
Tabs are for trimming left to right.