Still don't see how a smaller capacity, same HP, motor should be cheaper or dearer, but that's fine, we all have different ideas!
Still don't see how a smaller capacity, same HP, motor should be cheaper or dearer, but that's fine, we all have different ideas!
Yeah coz the 3L has more air in it and air's free so it should be cheaper.
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Look beyond the sticker on the cowl. The Yamaha should be cheaper than the Mercury, it's a 115 class outboard. Same as an ETEC 130 or a Suzuki 140 or a Mercury 115 Pro-XS, they are based on 115s. That means smaller displacement and smaller gearcases.
When you step up to a 135 Merc or 135 ETEC, you're buying a 150 class outboard with big displacement, big gearcases, big jump in transom weight. Haven't seen pricing on the 130 Yamaha, but if it's the same as the 135 Mercury they're dreaming. Totally different classes of engine.
I have spent a few hours with a new Yamaha 130, they're a beautifully refined engine but they're not meant for 150-class applications. That said, the boat in this thread does not need a 150 class engine, a 115 class unit is fine. So you're looking at the Mercury 115 Pro XS (ie, 125hp), ETEC 130, Suzuki 140, Yamaha 130. They're all great engines around that 2L mark, although best value will probably be the standard Mercury 115 command thrust, Yamaha 115 or ETEC 115HO. A 560 alloy boat will fly with any of them, they all weigh similar. If it was my money, I'd get the Mercury or the ETEC, as long as there was a dealer in the area for servicing.
I don't think anyone has answered what is the max HP rating of the boat in question.
absolutely I'm questioning the pricing in comparing other models.
old technology, tricked up to compete with new technology, or put simply, an old design1800cc engine the same price as a new tecnology 3ltr ?
It is simply not in the same class.
look, I like Yamaha, but the difference between the two is night and day.
The mod's performed to the original 115 engine to up rate it to a 130 cant be justified in my opinion, and the 1200cc difference speaks for itself.
But, that's my opinion only, as all of the mentioned engines are what I am currently looking at for my re power, so I'm considering or eliminating brands and models as I make my final decision.
I would prefer a larger cubic capacity engine of some 1200cc any day of the week, if weight wasn't an issue.
But everyone's different, brand loyalty, historical performance etc etc are what some people make their decisions on.
who knows, I may end up with an Etec !!!!!!
I have been getting the same. You are without doubt better off talking to the blokes who own these things. I am in the market to buy a new BMT of the early 6metres. I think once you leave the ~ 1.8 - 2.1 litre mark you're possibly entering another category with the 2.7ishL 150s and up. Some of these new 150s are claiming to use as little fuel as the 115s - 140s, but as I was advised by an experienced boaty/salesman in brissy, simple physics is telling us you need more fuel to push bigger pistons to provide superior torque than the smaller blocks (maybe different when you're talking big block Hondas ect...). Even the power reports on all these different outboard websites can be questionable, as they rarely hit the weights the average fisherman would stack in his rig plus other variables. Then you get complicated with the e-tec and verado marketing, as much as I loved my old e-tec. These forums and like you said, the blokes at the ramp, are the only 'real' sources of data. With outboards now being around so long and that good across the board, I hope you and me both get it sorted before we buy! Goodluck
Sorry to hi jack your thread hobby !
Glad to see someone else has the same dilemma Toygut !
It sure is a mine field when its time to buy a new outboard for sure.
I'm lucky in the sense that I could be anywhere up to 12 months away from having to pull the trigger, but could do it as soon a couple of months.
I've had my share of brands over the journey, but the funny thing is, what ever motor you have, you defend it to the hilt ! quite ironic.
I've had some absolute shite models, but, you do your best with it, argue with anyone that comments that there shite, when you know they damn well are LOL
I'm in that "cusp" of the 115 range to the 150, I don't really want to slap a 150 on, could do, but I think it would be a waste and give me weight issues.
At the minute, the CT merc 115 is probably top of the list, with its 2.1 ltr cc engine, I've considered the zuk 140, but in all honesty, While their reliability is un questionable, every one I know with them are unhappy with top end performance, my boats a bit smaller so it may well be a better fit with mine. The yam, well, they make a great motor, but its still only an 1800cc engine, smaller in cubic capacity to both the suk and the merc.. Then I look at end use of the boat, and I will be doing a bit of shelf work out of Portland and Eden, so I don't want anything that cant get me home quickly when needed.
big dilemma's huh.....
I recon marine centres should let us poor fisho's bolt a few different engines on, test them out for a day, then make our mind up from there ! haha
Fat chance I'm picking !
An Etec is not out of the question for me, but haven't really researched them to much yet.
With all the extras going into my boat with the fibre glass work, I may well end up needing the power of a 150 block yet !
But its a fair lump of an investment which ever way you look at it and probably my last, so, I'll just continue to peruse the info and pull the trigger when I'm satisfied. good luck with your choice.
My Quintrex 510 gets to 80kph so 40 and a bit knots with a 115 Mercury on the back. What I really like about it that you can hardly here it at idle or trolling.
I'm running the current yammie 115 on my 5.2 plate cuddly cab. Though shorter than your hull, mine with full fuel at 180lt ( alway full but don't need it) plus gear, eskies, ice and 2 up may weigh the same or more than your Quintrex, is defiantly not under powered. If set up correctly with correct prop you will find the 115 yam more than enough power. This outboard allows me to cruise offshore at 40-45 Kim's/h in most conditions, keeping up with bigger more powerful glass boats. My mates boat similar to mine with the new merc 115 will go faster than mine, however uses more fuel only because he runs wide open all the time chasing the top end speed. I don't need a broken back and at worst get 2-2.5klms/lt. on big runs. Which ever you get spend time to prop and and set it up correctly.