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Thread: Simrad EVO3 transducer selection

  1. #1

    Simrad EVO3 transducer selection

    Hi Guys
    Ive recently just had My simrad evo2 replaced under warranty with the new evo 3 model. and wanting to change transducer also.
    Currently have a B150m installed but wanting to go something different, as i have never thought this ducer worked as good as it should.

    Thinking of going a SS175 H-W. fishing mostly in 100-150m now but wanting to go 250-300m soon also.
    Would like to hear other people experiences/advise if they have similar set up.


  2. #2

    Re: Simrad EVO3 transducer selection

    Hi Tom,

    You're on the money with that transducer.
    The "W" version is better for game fishing, but arguably not as good as the narrower beam for bottom fishing.



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