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Thread: outboard mechanic brisbane south

  1. #1

    outboard mechanic brisbane south

    Hi guys n gulls,
    I am looking for a outboard mechanic to service and give my 1996 175 hp Mercury a good look over, I brought the boat about 8 months ago and it was service by a mob on the tweed but after my 2nd trip out the fuel hose came off as I was sitting at anchor and could start the boat, turns out the cable tie had allowed it to work it's way down, so i'm looking for someone that can look around the motor and see if they can find anything else that could be dodgy as well as a service. I got the details of to outboard mechanic's that every one talked about off the site but can't get in contact with them.

    Cheers Chris
    may you get a bend in your rod and your esky open often

  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member DATCOL's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: outboard mechanic brisbane south

    Ring GARRY 55221933 at Burlieheads

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