Hi all,
I am a total boat newbie and only just got my first boat a few weeks ago. Its a Tahoe Q4 Sport Bowrider. I was wondering how i can determine the trim at the ramp to ensure the prop does not strike the cement. I have been told that having the trim level on half is a safe bet, can someone please confirm? I have been going out with an instructor so far, and they have been saying "it depends on the ramp, and the depth of the ramp". I understand the "it depends" answer is okay for those experienced at boat ramps, but for someone staring out like me, what would be the best method? Using half trim as a safe bet, or just going to the swim platform and looking over the back of the boat to make sure the prop and intake are only just submerged in the water?
Appreciate any advice and apologies in advance for such a basic question
Thank you.