How do others manage their power requirements.
I spent a week at Carnarvon Gorge, great spot but our camping spot was in shade most of the day, trees in the morning, clouds in the afternoon, so the solar panel never got a workout.
I had a 120 amp hour deep cycle agm battery and running a 60 litre evakool fridge freezer, initially we needed to keep some food frozen which put a strain on the battery which pretty well drained it after two and half days without solar input and a stationary vehicle. We did a 3hr return run into Rolleston (ran into some bikies from the the Tweed, absolute gentlemen, ended up taking some supplies back for them) and I ran a cable direct to the battery, the multimeter said it was pumping in around 17 amps and 13 volts, took the entire 3 hrs to get the battery up somewhere near its capacity. Not sure this was good for the battery.
After that we were running the fridge at 4C and t b e battery managed this ok for the next 3 days. What other options are there if solar isn't reliable and the vehicle is not moving.