As much as Shark Poker and Crunchy's

methods will work, they are not something I would do with my own rig. Not a big fan of fresh water under the floor in glass/timber constructed hulls. I get a similar amount of water with mine - difference being I know where it comes from and simply haven't been bothered to fix it. My deck wash plumbing will leak when it is pressurized - either by the pump or running at speed with the sea cock open.
"bow eye ( although I think this drains into the drained anchor well.)"
That is what I though too Brendan until I spent a couple of days with my head in the hole in the bulkhead cutting out the wet bow block. There was the tiniest of cavities that drained to the front under bunk storage - they may not all have it depending on who glassed the timber block in and what sort of job they did. Mine is now full of epoxy.