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Thread: Suzuki 150 owners.

  1. #1

    Suzuki 150 owners.

    New boat is close to being delivered just wondering what other 150 Suzuki owners are running in regards to prop size and what performance you are getting, all hulls will be different but I'm interested in the overall performance and fuel burn as well as where your "sweet spot is" when cruising.


  2. #2

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    All depends on your boat size and weight. Best size for my 6m with a 175 was 19"x14. You need to size so motor will reach peak revs WOT. Best economy was under 4500rpm

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member willfraser's Avatar
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    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    Hey mate I've got a 2016 150 on mine with about 60 hours I'm averaging 2km too the litre pushing a 6m plate boat, it does get thirsty in rough seas but with the digital display and the econ average mode you can work out what rev range and trim settings it likes pretty quickly, it won't let you down, cheers. Will.

    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish mobile app

  4. #4
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    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    don't you trust me Big E

  5. #5

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    Quote Originally Posted by WildFishExpeditions View Post
    don't you trust me Big E
    Come WF your a mercury owner once i own a suzuki i wont be allowed to play with you any more !!!

    I actually think the new merc will have the edge so it will be good to swap notes.


  6. #6
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    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    why do you think the merc will have the edge? I dont think there would be much in it as they are similar CC. I am betting the 21P prop will suit the 150 suzuki, If I am wrong you can let me know and ill give you a free pack of squidgee's!

  7. #7

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    Boat has arrived ( same time as the cyclone ) has been proped with a 15.25 x 19R SS prop, just need some weather and some time off to get it in the water for a run.
    Any one else running this pitch on a 150 suzuki? ( how does it go?)


  8. #8

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    Quote Originally Posted by BigE View Post
    Boat has arrived ( same time as the cyclone ) has been proped with a 15.25 x 19R SS prop, just need some weather and some time off to get it in the water for a run.
    Any one else running this pitch on a 150 suzuki? ( how does it go?)

    I tried a 15. Greate 'bite' and responsiveness. But could get the top speed I wanted.

  9. #9

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    I Reckon you'll be close
    Its just revs. medium load , flat water, gotta get that 6100.
    If not go smaller.
    Dont worry about what other people run. sometimes it seems seems the laws of physics don't seem to apply.
    Get that height right and swap props till you are happy.
    The speed is what it is. great to win the race home , but grip, economy ,slippage in swell all contribute to the one you pick.
    Use your phone to record the details.
    Nice to have it right first time but even better to know that you kept the one you liked best.

  10. #10

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    thanks Monza , what did you prop did you end up with ? and how did they compare?

    Thanks Tenzing , hope so will be err ing on the side of cruising fuel economy and ability to carry a load in a sea.


  11. #11

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    So What is the prop situation Mr E?

  12. #12

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    Following as well. Keen to know how the 150 zuk went.

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums

  13. #13

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    For those following punched out 309kms for a burn of 173 ltrs (at the bowser) so we are looking at 1.78 km to the ltr

    conditions were less than idea but not rough (15 - 20s) and i was moving up and down the revs from 3500 - 4500 rpm changing the rev range regularly as the engine only had 3hrs on it at the start of the run and is still not fully run in.

    not bad but still short on where i wanted to be so i will get 20hrs on it and see if it improves and then if iam still chasing improvement i look at proping options.

    Boat is excellent in a sea and carries a lot of trim in without hurting economy and uses it length well running best when trimmed flat as possible seems to have a incredible amount of lift from the planing strakes very efficient. we were runing 3 big blokes and all the gear to fish overnight.


  14. #14

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    Mate you've got to be happy with those figures under load in a bit of slop.
    You are not even staying in a cruising range
    Lets see what WOT looks like next time.

  15. #15

    Re: Suzuki 150 owners.

    Thanks Tenzing looking at a run on sunday , confident it will pull to 6000 rpm but don't think it will be fast I'm thinking 65 - 70 KPH will pull it up probably closer to 65 than 70 with only 19P.

    the mid range thrust in a swell is really good so the slower top end may be a worth while comprise, it held the load on a swell really well.


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