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Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef
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Thread: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Hi all,

    Im interested to hear what everyone considers to be the most suitable boat for dragging down remote bush tracks and having your way with both the rivers and reef in FNQ? Pressed, Plate, Poly, size etc?

    Its a bit of an oxymoron I know but I imagine lots of people out there attempt to use the same boat for both areas.

    I have dragged a 460 Stacer Nomad sports w/ 60hp well up past Cooktown on a standard trailer 3 or 4 times and its been pretty good. We can get right to the top of any river system and have been 35ks offshore in it plenty of times as well.

    Finally time to replace the old tub and would love the benefit of some of your experiences.




  2. #2

    Best boat &lt;5m for FNQ River and Reef

    I built a 4.5m V punt for exactly this to be able to tow up to Fraser, stanage and further a field when time permits.

    But I also wanted to make sure I could obviously use it in Brisbane and be set up for down here.

    I had two designs to choose from get a mono built with 17* deadrise or another manufacture was building a V punt with 10 degree deadrise and shallow draft.

    As I do a lot of shallow water work I ended up building the V Punt which is on here if you search. It's strong robust and fully customised to how i would use it.

    Everything is 4mm thick except for floor only. It's literally built like a tank and I know it could handle some rough trips!

    The only slight downside of it being so tuff is that she is a bit on the heavy side weighing in at 1200kg on trailer. But I know it is built well.

    Even though it is only 4.5m long it has probably just as much room as a 5m pressed boat.

    Also you might be surprised on pricing all up with minn Kota electrics, 90hp etec tiller motor came in at 38k.

    I think if your towing through rough places the plate boats would be he beat for handling it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish mobile app
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  3. #3

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    My old boy's 4.8 polycraft frontrunner (75 Honda) would be on the list. We use it crabbing, wake boarding with the kids, and running up to Rooneys for some sport fishing. Pretty good all rounder. Their ability to withstand abuse is pretty much legendary - you aren't going to break one.
    nil carborundum illegitimi

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Thanks for the feedback gents!

    Skusto- Nice setup there mate. It does look tough and very well setup. I've spent my fair shar of time pulling the Stacer over mud and sand banks so the weight is definitely a condieration. I've also been offshore and praying for a little more bulk to help punch home from the reef. It really is a fine line.

    GBC - I've had very little to do with the polycrafts over the years but I know they have their following so I threw them in there. How does the weight compare to a similar size alley boat? I guess I can look it up. How does yours handle that chop running back down from Rooneys? I've always wondered how they treat the spine punching into a little bit of sea for an hour or so.

    I like the layout and size of something like the Quintrex 481 Topender but I'd like it with a bit more deadrise for reef trips. I find the side console is an ideal formal. Nice and open area for gear and blokes without having to slip up the side of a centre console. There just has has to be something a little bit more suitable and built for purpose than these mass produced things.

    I've seen a few TABS boats that look alright. Something custom from AMM or similar company's is obviously an option but come at a price.

    One big thing for me is to have a full transom and the outboard mounted off a pod or duckboard. The amount of times the "Modpod" as they call it on the stacer has saved me from 50 litres of saltwater coming over the back offshore is crazy. It eats into the LOA of the boat of course but I've got this weird thing where I like the water on the outside of the boat!

    Cheers, Nick

  5. #5

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    High sided for crocs

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Camhawk88's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Hammerhead boats will be worth your while looking at mate. Google them- Townsville based.

  7. #7

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Sea Jay 550 or 520 Velocity side console or Vision centre console

    I fish because the little voices in my head tell me to

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Thanks very much everyone!

    Couple brands there I didn't know about. Exactly what I'm after.

  9. #9

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Hammerhead have quite a few options in that size bracket, its just a case of working out which set of compromises works best for you. Gerard is currently working up a new web site (his old host closed down and took his site with them) but keeps facebook reasonably up to date. if you want a small multipurpose boat then the new very cost effective Raptor Series might be of interest, In the sub 5m bracket he has:

    Sandfly --> V nosed punt
    March fly --> Traditional heavy duty plate boat
    Fire fly --> low deadrise, wide chine creek boat
    Dragon fly --> higher spec (styly) plate boat
    Raptor --> Simple layout production (fewer layout options).

    All the boats are full plate (no ply floors etc) and with the exception of the Raptor have self draining decks.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    old yamaha glass longboat . shallow draft, far better ride,low hp efficient. no cracking. old so u dont need to worry about scratches or gelcoat or cleaning. or a 4.5m polycraft. or an old hooker or wahoo dory would be my pick.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Or a Goodwin sorry couldn't resist as i have one for sale with a new 4 stroke.


  12. #12

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Quote Originally Posted by longone View Post
    Thanks for the feedback gents!

    Skusto- Nice setup there mate. It does look tough and very well setup. I've spent my fair shar of time pulling the Stacer over mud and sand banks so the weight is definitely a condieration. I've also been offshore and praying for a little more bulk to help punch home from the reef. It really is a fine line.

    GBC - I've had very little to do with the polycrafts over the years but I know they have their following so I threw them in there. How does the weight compare to a similar size alley boat? I guess I can look it up. How does yours handle that chop running back down from Rooneys? I've always wondered how they treat the spine punching into a little bit of sea for an hour or so.

    I like the layout and size of something like the Quintrex 481 Topender but I'd like it with a bit more deadrise for reef trips. I find the side console is an ideal formal. Nice and open area for gear and blokes without having to slip up the side of a centre console. There just has has to be something a little bit more suitable and built for purpose than these mass produced things.

    I've seen a few TABS boats that look alright. Something custom from AMM or similar company's is obviously an option but come at a price.

    One big thing for me is to have a full transom and the outboard mounted off a pod or duckboard. The amount of times the "Modpod" as they call it on the stacer has saved me from 50 litres of saltwater coming over the back offshore is crazy. It eats into the LOA of the boat of course but I've got this weird thing where I like the water on the outside of the boat!

    Cheers, Nick
    The poly is honest and predictable. Bit wet with the big shoulders, but the trade off is volume. Massive stern buoyancy with the sponsons running behind the engine, and a proper well. I've also had a 4.5 and have put them into some silly sea conditions. They instill confidence in rough water. I had the 4.5 out to the 100 meter line off Moreton a few times no probs and back through the bar.
    4.8 is 450 odd kg I think?
    The 4.5/4.8 aren't self drainers but they float almost normally with the bungs out as I've found out. The plastic is buoyant!
    Downsides - sticking rego stickers and fish length stickers to them is a bastard. The fuel tanks are interesting to fill, the boats aren't supermodels, they like power. Spilt fuel will stain a white one if it isn't cleaned up.
    Upsides - self tapping screws and a hot screwdriver will fix anything on them. Drive on trailer is simple and easy. The hull will be a family heirloom - it will not break, work harden, corrode, split welds or go strange in the sun. Very quiet in/on/through the water. The plastic stays pretty cool in the sun.
    That's about it. I'd have another one if I was in that market.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member robcam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Best boat &lt;5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Quote Originally Posted by Skusto View Post
    I built a 4.5m V punt for exactly this to be able to tow up to Fraser, stanage and further a field when time permits.

    But I also wanted to make sure I could obviously use it in Brisbane and be set up for down here.

    I had two designs to choose from get a mono built with 17* deadrise or another manufacture was building a V punt with 10 degree deadrise and shallow draft.

    As I do a lot of shallow water work I ended up building the V Punt which is on here if you search. It's strong robust and fully customised to how i would use it.

    Everything is 4mm thick except for floor only. It's literally built like a tank and I know it could handle some rough trips!

    The only slight downside of it being so tuff is that she is a bit on the heavy side weighing in at 1200kg on trailer. But I know it is built well.

    Even though it is only 4.5m long it has probably just as much room as a 5m pressed boat.

    Also you might be surprised on pricing all up with minn Kota electrics, 90hp etec tiller motor came in at 38k.

    I think if your towing through rough places the plate boats would be he beat for handling it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Ausfish mobile app
    Hey Dan, how's that tinny going with the white motor on it. Have to be a missile wouldn't it.

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish mobile app

  14. #14

    Re: Best boat &lt;5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Hey Rob.

    Mate its awesome now with the 90! will be taking it out to Deep Tempest this winter to see how it goes out side!

    I sent you a PM didnt want to steal old mates thread.

    Cheers Dan
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  15. #15

    Re: Best boat <5m for FNQ River and Reef

    Quote Originally Posted by GBC View Post
    The poly is honest and predictable. Bit wet with the big shoulders, but the trade off is volume. Massive stern buoyancy with the sponsons running behind the engine, and a proper well. I've also had a 4.5 and have put them into some silly sea conditions. They instill confidence in rough water. I had the 4.5 out to the 100 meter line off Moreton a few times no probs and back through the bar.
    4.8 is 450 odd kg I think?
    The 4.5/4.8 aren't self drainers but they float almost normally with the bungs out as I've found out. The plastic is buoyant!
    Downsides - sticking rego stickers and fish length stickers to them is a bastard. The fuel tanks are interesting to fill, the boats aren't supermodels, they like power. Spilt fuel will stain a white one if it isn't cleaned up.
    Upsides - self tapping screws and a hot screwdriver will fix anything on them. Drive on trailer is simple and easy. The hull will be a family heirloom - it will not break, work harden, corrode, split welds or go strange in the sun. Very quiet in/on/through the water. The plastic stays pretty cool in the sun.
    That's about it. I'd have another one if I was in that market.
    The poly's from my limited exposure ride pretty soft - the hull flex absorbs some of the impact (they may be a bit firmer if you foam fill) and they are super quiet compared to a tinnie. They are heavy though. Tough - they will scratch but they are ridiculous tough. The lads at Wilson's had one a while back (may still have it - don't know) that I did some work on. They used to let it sit against the rocks on the reclamation wall at Port of Brisbane while they fished plastics. The bow area looked like it had gone 10 rounds with Freddy Kruger but the hull was still sound and functional some years later. Not something I would do with a tinnie let alone a glass boat.

    They did manage to displace the centre console in their second one attempting to do mach 5 in sea conditions that weren't conducive but given the treatment and the "economy sized" bodies swinging off the console that probably wasn't surprising.

    If you want something a bit prettier a serious platey would be my second pick.

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