I'm new on here sorry if this is covered somewhere,
I've got a 2003 Cruise Craft outsider i picked up with a F115 Yamaha which I've recently upgraded to an F150xb.
I'm not getting as good economy as yet from the new motor and i was really hoping to get equivalent if i could.
Im carrying 4 blokes, full fuel, fishing gear, ice, lead etc... its fully loaded and i travel 50 nautical mile each way.
After last trip out i wound her out fully trimmed in the river and its making 5500 revs and that was with 100 litres fuel used.
14-1-4 x 17p Reliance prop is apparently the lowest pitch the dealer can offer me.
motor is on the third hole from the top, not sure if thats right.
Anyone else with this combo carrying a big load?