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Thread: Prawns and Brissy river salmon

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member jackson4300's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Prawns and Brissy river salmon

    Headed down to redland bay Saturday morning in search of some prawns. High tide was around 9:20 I think, was there around 8 and managed probably 2 good throws over schools that disappeared quickly and then very scattered stuff till about 10. From 10-11 managed to fill both buckets with some really good throws, they schooled up really well and a lot of people were getting into them.

    Very early Sunday morning headed to the brisbane river looking for a Jew or Salmon. Once I found the bait I got plenty in one cast and was throwing mullet and herring back, only small to medium prawns though.
    Got to the first spot and got a 100cm salmon within 5 minutes on a live herring. Current was swirling and made it impossible to stay in the same spot while anchored so had a look closer to the end of the port.
    Not much happening, fished until about 7 when I had a 108cm salmon take a big live mullet near the piepline and packed up.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Salmon 100.jpg 
Views:	1 
Size:	73.1 KB 
ID:	115367Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Salmon 108.jpg 
Views:	1 
Size:	36.1 KB 
ID:	115368

  2. #2

    Re: Prawns and Brissy river salmon

    Great work as usual mate

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