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Thread: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

  1. #31
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
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    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Thanks Smithy

    interested to hear all things stabi as I have no experience with them at all, looks like the pontoons would hit hard to me but i've never been in one to know. the skipper craft looks like a weapon ..... any idea on the fuel burn? ......Trophy is a very interesting solution!!!


  2. #32

    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    I never found it an issue. Less bang in the shoulders than the 702 Signature we had until we put tabs on that. Carpet lining helps I reckon. Deadens the sound. The Stabi and my Mclay were a couple of the best plateys I have been in with Fadil's 6.5 Mclay up there as well. All carpet lined. Plenty of people who had been in Barcrushers rated my Stabi better. Fadil loved his diesel Trophy and it only had the little 120hp Isuzu based motor. 170hp would be awesome. Maybe keep an eye out for US diesel trailer boats. Stripers do a diesel too but you mostly see Trophys. Dunno how all the $$$s stack up now for importing from the US. If you went down that route the world would be your oyster, diesel, good alloy trailer and usually not bad electronics.

  3. #33

    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    A face only a mother could love those stabi's. I always wondered how people cope with the lack of tow under in the fishing area which always stands out to me when I see them at boat shows? In fact it looks like the opposite of tow under, the sides actually protrude into the boat more where your toes go?

  4. #34
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    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    The fuel conumption is about the same for me through the whole rev range. 40km/h = 18Lph. 50km/h = 22-24L/h, 60km/h = 28-32L/h. I dont know what average fuel consumption is for a whole day because I dont measure how far I go. I just go off the smart craft gauges that tell me how much fuel I am burning while cruising along. On a full days game fishing I use about 80L, but its difficult to say because 2 hours of that is pushing out the the shelf, then 6 hours of trolling lure, or if I troll live baits the fuel consumption drops, then I just leave it running when drifting for bait or deep drops. So I dunno what the average consumption is for the whole day.

    Quote Originally Posted by myusernam View Post
    Wildfish when u say 2klm per litre are you talking at cruise? Or total for whole day. What do you burn per hour at 25 knots or whatever you cruise at? Because reports I have read from the 3l 150 and even the 135 have been less. My friend has one of these on a platey and his real time read out is 1nm per L if he's lucky.

  5. #35

    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Quote Originally Posted by WildFishExpeditions View Post
    The fuel conumption is about the same for me through the whole rev range. 40km/h = 18Lph. 50km/h = 22-24L/h, 60km/h = 28-32L/h. I dont know what average fuel consumption is for a whole day because I dont measure how far I go. I just go off the smart craft gauges that tell me how much fuel I am burning while cruising along. On a full days game fishing I use about 80L, but its difficult to say because 2 hours of that is pushing out the the shelf, then 6 hours of trolling lure, or if I troll live baits the fuel consumption drops, then I just leave it running when drifting for bait or deep drops. So I dunno what the average consumption is for the whole day.
    Something seems off. I got the 555hc with a 2007 150hp yamahard and I struggle to get what you are. I did 1770 a few weeks back and did 177ltrs for 233kms. At WOT I am around 50-60ltrs an hour. 25 - 30ltrs an hour cruising at 4K.

    Edit: Just a thought... If its speed source is a paddle wheel not gps, it could explain it?

  6. #36

    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Something for Wildfish to check next time he is out is where the speed input is coming from and if it is accurate. If it's GPS then all good. If it's a paddle wheel or pressure sensor - "actual results could vary".

  7. #37

    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    You beat me to it Julian LOL.

  8. #38
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    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Speed via speedo and GPS is accurate to within 2-3km of each other.

    dont think it sounds like there is much wrong, you are comparing a 2007 outboard to a 2014 model, so fuel economy may have improved in that time with technology. As I said I cant tell you what average fuel consumption is for the whole day as i dont keep track of it. my average cruise speed depending on the water is 35-60kmh and this is 18-30L/h. Id have to check, but I think flat out the gauge reads 48L an hour or thereabouts. I have also calibrated my fuel burn up slightly, so it is accurate. When the burn rate wasnt calibrated the boat said I had only use 20L when I had actually used 30L. So I know the burn rate is accurate because when I fill up the amount of fuel to fill the tank matches how much the gauge says i have burnt to within 5L or so over a whole day.

    Quote Originally Posted by JulianDeMarchi View Post
    Something seems off. I got the 555hc with a 2007 150hp yamahard and I struggle to get what you are. I did 1770 a few weeks back and did 177ltrs for 233kms. At WOT I am around 50-60ltrs an hour. 25 - 30ltrs an hour cruising at 4K.

    Edit: Just a thought... If its speed source is a paddle wheel not gps, it could explain it?

  9. #39
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    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Here are some fuel figures off a review on boat sales. It seems that at 4500rpm or 60kmh is the point at which the economy drops below 2km/L, which is pretty much identical to my own figures.

    4.2kts (7.8km/h) @ 1000rpm
    5.9kts (10.9km/h)@ 1500rpm
    7.1kts (13.1km/h) @ 2000rpm
    11.7kts (21.6km/h) @ 2500rpm
    19.0kts (35.1km/h) @ 3000rpm
    23.7kts (43.8km/h) @ 3500rpm
    27.6kts (51.0km/h) @ 4000rpm
    32.0kts (59.2km/h) @ 4500rpm
    35.3kts (65.3km/h) @ 5000rpm
    40.0kts (75.0km/h) @ 5500rpm
    40.8kts (75.5km/h) @ 5600rpm (WOT)

    3.6 l/ph @ 1000rpm
    5.4 l/ph @ 1500rpm
    8.6 l/ph @ 2000rpm
    11.7 l/ph @ 2500rpm
    14.3 l/ph @ 3000rpm
    18.1 l/ph @ 3500rpm
    24.1 l/ph @ 4000rpm
    31.4 l/ph @ 4500rpm
    38.6 l/ph @ 5000rpm
    52.0 l/ph @ 5500rpm
    53.5 l/ph @ 5600rpm (WOT)

  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Mate you should have a look at the whitley sl22 with a deisel inboard that will also provide you with a spot to boil the Billy's looks great very sea worthy and will do your fuel expectations
    happy days ahead summer is coming

  11. #41

    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Also have to take into account loading conditions. Surprising how extra weight will effect figures.

  12. #42
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
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    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Wild fish
    good to hear those figure are not just hype , i think i have read the same report , i have always taken media reports with grain of salt.

    BTW i have discussed fuel burn of the 2200 Yalta with a 150 Suzuki with an owner in Gladstone and he is reporting similar fuel burn as yours so 150 hp seems the sweet spot for that hull.


  13. #43
    Ausfish Platinum Member BigE's Avatar
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    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    Smithy thanks for the stabi info I not really look in that direction yet. really like some of there transom set ups.


  14. #44

    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    The Skippercraft is a great buy. Dusted a 233 in the sea trials. Good buy at 62k.

  15. #45
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    Re: NBT new boat itch, i got it bad.

    yes well my figures are for 2 people on board, full of fuel, fishing gear, game fishing. You will have to excuse my data if it is a little vague by a couple of litres, I have been overseas for a year and haven't been in the boat since last march. but the stats on the boatsales review are very similar to my own.

    Quote Originally Posted by scottar View Post
    Also have to take into account loading conditions. Surprising how extra weight will effect figures.

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