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Thread: Any idea of this hull??

  1. #1

    Any idea of this hull??

    Rightio I bought this little boat a while ago and it is still bugging me what make it is and nobody has been able to give me a definitive answer.

    Its 4.7m long, clinker sides and a centre console (although this may not have always been the case)

    I am assuming it is a pretty old hull and plenty of google searches have found boats similar, but not the same.

    Anyone got any ideas? For the record, it is a great little boat and I really like it just fitted a new t top and a few little mods will hwve it just the way I want it. I have been trying to attach a photo from the front left aspect but for whatever reason it wont attach.

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  2. #2

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    Made it work
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  3. #3

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    Dunno Shane, but I bet you can't fit that big blue esky in it that is beside the boat [emoji3].

    Steber used to make small clinker hulls in the old days, but they look nothing like that. Finish looks like it has been painted??? Or have you just been polishing it for weeks?

    Looks like a good boat, and a bit easier to get around the creeks than the cat [emoji846].

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish mobile app

  4. #4

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    My money is on a Swiftcraft from the shape. Whether or not it's original is anyones guess but the hull shape is right

    For comparison -

  5. #5

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    Hey Brendan,

    My money was on a Steber but that was only through google images searches and not any real knowledge.

    Yeah I dont know that Big Blue would fit in it, and if it was full she certainly wouldn't plane. She is not really for the creeks, more for the bay, a bit of snapper fishing and if I have my way and can sneak some funds into it I will put electronics in it for a bit of deeper stuff for the days I cant get a deckie. As a comparison a day on the mackerel uses about 60 litres less than the cat, and if I am not belting them the little boat can still hold enough to make it worthwhile. I am really impreseed with it, and with the little 60 four banger she is very economical and has a big fuel tank.

    Scottar I wish I knew a bit more about the boats history but the swiftcraft certainly has some similarities, I might look into a bit of research there.

    Thanks for your input men, if anyone else remembers one like it ai am all ears....

  6. #6

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    Looks a bit like a cruisecraft reef raider hull slightly cut down to take a new top section.. nice job done as a Centre console..

  7. #7

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    by the look of that top pic mate that must have been a big squid.

    its a ripper little boat

  8. #8

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    Pete, it is neat as a pin which is what appealed to me.

    It is solid, well mannered and is great to fish out of..

    Haha, grumpy gribby, you know those pesky squid always cover the sides of my boats....

  9. #9

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    Doesn't look like any Steber I have ever seen, the strange kind of cylindrical shape kind of makes it unique, can't think of too many boats like that.

  10. #10

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    Squid ink? Photoshop? Or were you playing paint ball with the kids in the driveway? [emoji846]

    How is the big boat going with the Hondas? Did your good economy results with early testing carry thru to long term fuel savings Shane?

    Sent from my iPad using Ausfish forums

  11. #11

    Re: Any idea of this hull??

    Not really Brendan. I have chipped and chopped away at different props but none have been dramatically better or worse than any other. But the motora are sweet mate, and have been trouble free so cant really ask for much more than that. They are better than the Yams fuel wise, so I guese thats always going to be a long term advantage

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