I am looking at importing a boat/motor package into Thailand. The motor will be a 60/70hp unit. My preference is an etec60HO. However there are no dealers in the country. So any servicing will have to be done by yourstruly. The two selling features are the 3 years no service and better power than 4 strokes. The other options are Yamaha and Suzuki, both have dealers in thailand so servicing is a 10 hr drive. Either of my three options would be acceptable. My question is, how hard would it be to service myself,? I am not exactly " motor" oriented but i am not clumsy and can follow instructions. ( I have changed oil and filters in cars before). It seems to me that the etec is the easist to live with, barring any unfortunate breakdowns ( which could affect either motor). Opinions from experience people is always welcomed.