Hi, recently when I logged into my ausfish email account there was and still is a message that Everyone net is no longer hosting free email and you now have to subscribe. It states that I will be completely locked out on the 23rd of feb. As this is my primary email and pretty much all emails come to here I figured that I would at least try to find out cost of subscription..I shouls add this message is the header in the front page at login not an email recieved.
I clicked to subscribe but am told my account is not eligible for upgrade? so this means I have try to set up new email elsewhere,contact every bussiness gov department. friends contacts etc I deal with and I have no doubt I will miss plenty .
I totally understand ausfish themselves do not host the email service and as such its not really their issue however I would like to know is this a scam? why does there seem to be no information about this? Am I the only one who uses ausfish as their primary email? help plase. Any information would be greatly appreciated
Cheers Craig