Sorry I'm thinking opposite yes expensive if an l shape as above. Easy if attached to house.
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Sorry I'm thinking opposite yes expensive if an l shape as above. Easy if attached to house.
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560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"
What are your council regs allowing you, you may need to seek exemptions, letters from neighbours agreeing some times helps when seeking these. Height will be your biggest hurdle.
... noted & thx Skusto ... I will need to get advice on the Council bldg. regs ...
Thx Chimo ... how big is the boat you house in your shed ?
Bremic ... noted ... but I don't have any more room than 3.6m for my slab ... but a fair point ...
Thx BigE ... Naurts
Thx brett62 ... sounds like an excellent set up ... wish I had the room to build bigger! ...
Thx Col ... is the shed prefabricated ? ... if so, who is the supplier?
... Naurts
Thx baitable, you're right ... the more I research the cantilever post option, the more I think it will be too expensive ...
That is what I mean, Noelm ...
Seafarer Vagabond on a Tinka and with sun angles 9m long is only just long enough
What could go wrong.......................
Believe it or not, I priced up a pre fabbed titan shed and it worked out cheaper to build a core filled block work shed to cyclone rated specifications with a tin skillion roof with rafters. That's with me subcontracting a Blockie but doing corefill and Chippie work myself. Disclaimer: I am a builder by trade.
Just finalised the plans for the shed I'm putting on the block at Agnes. I want to upgrade to a similar boat you are thinking of so I have gone with a 6m X 9m shed with a 4m awning/carport off one side effectively making it a 9m X 10m floor. I went with a 4.2m height which allows for a 3.6m roller door each end (so I can drive through.)
I basically researched as many boats specs as I could and found most do not exceed 3.5m in trailered height.
Good luck with it
Hey Funchy, that is exactly where my shed is. My cat is pretty much 4.4 to top of radar... you will need a Cyclone rated build to take a c2 wind classification i think... I have the number of a local blockie if you need...