Also take into account security while at work. Boats are easier to move and harder to lock up than a car. Be nice if it wasn't something to worry about but that horse has bolted.
And when you get home late, just tell her you stopped off to do a little fishing.
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Yeah nice dream, but reality is it will cost you a lot more in time and money than you think. Ok once a week maybe with a fish on the way home. If you don't know where the Pin is, you're in for a real treat getting to and from work without running a ground, hitting channel marker, another unlit boat etc, etc even with the best gps/sounder money can buy!
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There is a guy that flies around these islands with a small tiny strapped to a hang glider which he uses like a sea plane. A to B would be pretty straight forward, not sure how much room you would have to land where you go, and of course there is the weather to consider. Good luck
Phil ( also on RI)
We don't live there yet mate. Signed a contract on a place Monday last week.
My wife thought he might mean Jumpinpin. Appears she was right.
As I said, my experience on the water is next to nil other than going sailing as a kid and a few small boat trips around Hope Island and Jacobs Well years ago. But I am a fast learner.
Beware of missing beacons even in daylight when your talking and not paying attention, let alone at night.
Here is a pic to show you I know of what I speak...................we were making good time too..............
2016 pics off zte phone after computer fail 403.jpg
Just have to wait for the tide to come back and too muddy to go for a walk but lots of crabs to watch in the mean time!
What could go wrong.......................
Remember to always log on before heading offshore.
Besides the navigational issues and time taken at night have you factored in if your even allowed to store the boat at the work dock? Boat security whilst its there? Change of weather when at work? The time it takes having to launch and retreive boat, park car etc (until you get your own spot at russell)? Motor and trailer flush/washdown after each trip when? Breakdown coverage? Does the missus have a car whilst yours is parked at the ramp with trailer? Etc etc
Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.
Floating logs is one concern, but a bigger concern for me is the unlit channel markers at night. I nearly hit on o 2-3 occasions when I first started out and new to an area. A big spotty does help. Make sure you join up with the nearest VMR or coastguard in case of difficulty. I think there is one at Victoria Point which may be the closest.
bah. do it once at low tide with a good plotter and save the track. then just follow it. But I would invest in a nice size plotter.
I would get an old 14 - 16 foot glass deep v - cruise craft 14 maybe or similar. get some clears made up, tiller steer or centre console, not bow steer for a better ride. (I always prefer tiller steer) with a seat with a high back. canopy (bow is fine) but with allround clears. I would hate to be getting wet all the time. I'd go the full water taxi treatment clears allround. tiller 50 tohatsu only 4.5k new. old glass dinger 1 or two grand, scratch proof. Decent battery to run the nav lights and for the auto bilge pump. Good led nav lights so you know they'll work every time. maybe foam fill under the floor. lockable tool box from supercheap. esky for the shopping. bolt / glass everything down so noone can tax. padlocks etc. all good.
thats about what happened to us at 2 am.. only the sandbank come up quick and we hit it that hard we lost speed that quick we only went a few feet onto dry sand and the ass end was just in the water, being only a 14 footer 3 of us dragged it back in and lukily went back on our way.. judging by your pics i might pack a lunch just incase b4 going out with u, incase of a little crab watching time..
ill be somewhere up the creek, happy trails..
We had food and drink so we had a good catch up and avoided the need to anchor which was the plan, initially!
One even caught up on his sleep...2016 pics off zte phone after computer fail 397.jpg
What could go wrong.......................