Originally Posted by
Wow this thread has some aggressive posts, Stang69 you are been quite attacking of Noelm. the man is simply saying his opinion the exact same way you are saying yours. opinions are like arseholes mate, everyones got one.
As for the best sub 6m boat, what may suit the needs for one bloke may not for the next bloke. I'm in mackay and frequently run 120+ km offshore chasing reds, my mate lives in cooktown and does 20km runs and casts for gt. my other mate is in Brisbane he does family trips to Tangalooma. all requiring very different boats, and all see vastly different ocean conditions.
I can only comment on boats ive been in and to what suits me. I like a cabin that can sleep 2 comfortably, has 2 motors for peace of mind, lots of deck space, stability at rest and most importantly to me can travel at speed in sometimes poor ocean conditions.
heres a list of boats ive been in so you can understand me been able to "back it up"
sea swirl striper 2101 (centre console I believe is a haines mould not sure on which one)
Haines Hunter 585r, v19,v17,773,680 patiot,635 (both 680 patriot and 585r having serious build issues)
cruise craft 625, 585
formula 21
fisher 580 platey
kevlacat 6.2 (centre console) 5.2, 2100, 2400,3000
sharkcat 2300, 18ft sportsman ( my current boat podded model)
grady white 180, 228
coota craft gun shot
edencraft 6m offshore
quintrex 610 ( broke some welds while in it)
noosa cat 5.2, 660, 2300
theres a few more but I'm struggling a bit to rack my brain. now I know that a lot are over 6m. now I'm not going to say any are better then others ( except the quintrex it was awful ). but for what suits me doing long runs at speed, stability at rest and the safety of 2 motors the cats that I mentioned beat all of the monos hands down. even the little 5.2 kevlacat can travel at speeds that better any sub 6m mono ive ever been in. calmer water is a different story monos hammer.
the 23 sharkcat, 6.2 kevlacat, 2400 kevlacat, 660nc, 2300 nc are truly in a field of there own.
sub 6m the 5.8 sc and 5.2 kc are true performers and I have on many times out run much larger boats in rough seas.
so for my situation my current boat suits me, it may change but I will never say my boats better then yours or is the best.
my boats has downfalls like tunnel slap at trolling speeds. 2 motors to service, tows like crap, uses a bit more fuel,needed to rebuild the old arse thing.
but I believe it has great positives huge deck space, handles rough very well, stability at rest, ability to run on 1 donk for safety.
my mate in brissy has a 585r and it suits him perfectly and the 1 donk is so much more suitable for him.
its a simple pros and cons of each boat dependant on your own situation. just have an open mind (unlike some of the members on here)