A Round up from my perspective
Firstly I would like to thank my house guests for their due care and attention, company and assistance during their stay. Yolande, Jan, Frank, Mike, Tim, Luiza and Louis. Having people in the house that pull their weight and are not demanding is a pleasure. Thanks to Rob ( Moejoes ) for presenting a great house.
The Marine Rescue Round Hill ladies, Josie & Ruth provided us with peace of mind while at sea and also have a great understanding of all matters pertaining to a safe trip and good time.
Friendly staff and management at the Agnes Water Tavern was appreciated and a thumbs up to the chef for producing good meals under pressure from the AF & AC hordes that invaded his restaurant regularly.
Thanks also to the AC guys for their company and stories throughout the week and to the ?? fence sitters and ring-ins / newbies ? hahahaha… all good boys, a great week by all accounts.
Members traveled far and wide in search for those elusive Reds with good success. PB’s to most on various species.
Moments that need explaining:- ( you know who you are, fess up ! )
1…. Cruisecraft Crunching….. ?
2… Bollard Bouncing…………. ?
3… Driveway Planking & Flashing Lights … ?
4… Reef Dwelling ……. ?
5… My phone died … ?
6… “ I’ll give you a tow……. Oh damn, I’m out of fuel “… Ay captain ?
7.. Can you remove this hook from my belly ?
8… “ 24 hrs over-due, no radio, no fuel “….. ?
9.. “ Can I use your shower “ .. ?
The Cook-Off / Presentation evening was combined due to great weather and most people being on the water for 5 – 6 days straight. This event was well publicized and some were a no-show. A few trophies handed out to folks, raffles run ( some of those that were not in attendance had their names drawn, but we did a re-draw due for this ) and we also had the Blind Auction of the “ Rum Runner “ and the “ VHF hand held “….. all proceeds from those went to the VMR donation kitty. Those that were there received their small “ refund “ which was due to us not fully providing all we said we could . Those not in attendance have had their refund donated to the VMR kitty. Thanks to the RCG’s for their $’s to add to the overall VMR donation kitty.
Special mention to Wardy for putting his hand up for the S & R.
Due to many circumstances and events, this will be my last year of involvement in the Official Ausfish Annual Agnes Water / 1770 M & G. The event started in February of 2004 with a second one run in October of that year. Over the years we have had way too many members attend to recount all and some long term members.. Really great times and some dramas, but all ending well and improving with each year.
The climax of the event was recently, when we had around 120 people attend, dragging about 30 boats into the township. That year we pumped over $173,000 into the event. This dollar value was achieved through spending by all members both at home and in the community preparing for and during the M & G. It is fair to say that the AF M & G has accounted for pretty close to $1 mill in expenditure by members covering the 14 times it has been held. Staggering , when you think about it. Considering the early days when we used 4mtr tinnies and plied the inland waters to now, with 7mtr rigs traveling 100k’s offshore and beyond and staying out for 3 days at a time etc.
Although we have donated well over $7,000 to the VMR over the years, I urge all of you that wish to keep fishing this area to take out a VMR Membership at Round Hill to continue to support the people that look after you on a voluntary basis. http://marinerescueqld.org.au/?page_id=159
A big thank you to the Sponsors and others who assisted to bring it to the masses. Like all good things, we are going out a winner. For those that wish to continue going to 1770 etc and even wanting to continue with the M & G theme, please feel free to do so. Post up an event and run with it.
Good luck & Tight Lines.