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Thread: Brisbane River Goods and the Bay

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member jackson4300's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Thumbs up Brisbane River Goods and the Bay

    Had an RDO planned for Thursday but ended up being pushed back to Friday but the plan remained the same. Hit the river for the tide change before sun up and then when its light venture out into the bay in search of the long tail tune that Peter (Rainbow runner) has been slaying of late.
    Up at 1:30 and live wind readings were saying it was 10+ knots so reconsidered whether to head out or not. An hour later and the winds were back under 10 so decided may as well have a go.
    Missed the tide change in the river which didn't matter too much, I find the sun rise time to be better fishing anyway. Wouldn't have had baits in the water for half an hour before a 110cm thready took a liking to a silver biddy. 25 minutes later and a 88cm Jew nailed a mullet. With two lovely fish before 7am the pressure for the trip disappeared and I even considered having an early mark! But wanted to have a crack at a tune.
    Headed out towards Moreton, threw slugs around a few beacons for nil. One beacon had a fairly large school of herring and small tailor about so I sent out a live herring under a balloon. This was hit about 2m out from the boat but whatever it was didn't hook up and that was the only action for the day in the bay!

    Had a fair bit of leftover live bait so decided to stop in the river for a quick fish, try and burley something up. After about 45 minutes and no action I started to pack up when one of the rods started screaming. After a decent fight up pops my new PB snapper! Great way to finish the day off.
    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2

    Re: Brisbane River Goods and the Bay

    Looks like you had the perfect RDO well done..

  3. #3

    Re: Brisbane River Goods and the Bay

    That's definitely better than work well done.

  4. #4

    Re: Brisbane River Goods and the Bay

    great mixed bag of fish
    The Rainbowrunner
    Peter Hansler
    Click here for my webpage
    Click here for my videos

    Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.

    Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species

  5. #5

    Re: Brisbane River Goods and the Bay

    I'd say you have what it takes fishing the river, makes you wonder sometimes, when you spend fuel in search of fish when the 1st spot brings home the goods. I'm the same offshore, more often than not 50 or 60 ltrs of fuel gone for nada, bay or estuary is a better result for me on average. But your telling porkies about the snap. Offshore fishos would be stoked!


  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member jackson4300's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Brisbane River Goods and the Bay

    Yea I think sometimes it is the not knowing of what other spots may hold which gets me to move. If the fishing at spot 1 is this good, imagine how awesome the fishing would be at spot 2 etc.

    I think the best way to know if I am telling porkies is to see where I head out to fish next hahaha. (Which at the moment would be the mouth of the river again late tonight/early tomorrow morning)

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