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Sinkers, what do you use?
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Thread: Sinkers, what do you use?

  1. #1

    Sinkers, what do you use?

    Hi guys

    I currently make my own sinkers, which means I am always on the hunt for moulds of different types. The more I look the more I find. So hence be thread. Im namely interested in the kind of sinkers that you all use and why? What application etc.

    I personally don't use a whole variety myself. Surf conditions with strong sweep I'll use between a 4 and 6oz grapnel, of conditions are good I use a ball or star instead. Live baiting I'll often use bigger ball sinkers. Offshore on reefs and paternoster rigs I'll be using snapper sinkers for bottom bashing. Split pees make an appearance when live baiting with floats or balloons.

    I've recently bought a pyramid mould and am interested if any of you use the pyramid style sinker and what do you use it for?

    There's so many different sinkers, beans, barrels, worm, sand grip.. The list goes on.

    It would be great to know what they are used for or used at all, I don't want to be buying moulds for sinkers that I won't use...


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #2

    Re: Sinkers, what do you use?

    Hi ben

    Check out the gemini kits with the mould, they are heaps better than star sinkers for grip .
    If there is a lot of sweep or you just want to anchor your lead to slide a livie out.

  3. #3

    Re: Sinkers, what do you use?

    Pyramids are good for snaggier rock fishing in poor conditions as they dont snag up and breakaway as often as Grapnels (Although that's because I buy my sinkers and the cost of losing grapnels and pyramids really adds up), outside of that though, Grapnels are the best for heavy swells / sweep! Other than that I only use Beans for rolling pillies along a drop off for Flatties, Surf sinkers for parking bait in good conditions and balls for letting bait move around in good conditions.

  4. #4

    Re: Sinkers, what do you use?

    Thanks for the response mate, good to actually know what the use is for pyramids!

    I agree. Can't beat a grapnel in strong sweep. I have never really known the use for beans either, I make them but don't use them myself. I sell a lot of them, was starting to wonder what I was missing out on! Might head out in the boat and give that pillie idea a go!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5

    Re: Sinkers, what do you use?

    No worries mate! You are very welcome!

    You're messages are full ps

  6. #6

    Re: Sinkers, what do you use?

    All cleaned out mate and responded!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7

    Re: Sinkers, what do you use?

    G'day Sea bass

    I actually use the Mansfield break away moulds from NZ (at the moment). I wouldn't recommend them as you actually need to groove the sinkers yourself. These moulds are around $65 a piece! Instead I would recommend the UK-HOOKS moulds, but they're around $100 (55pounds) a piece... Might need to wait for the AUD-GBP conversion to be a little more favourable... But they mould the groove in. I'll look at getting them a little further into the piece I think. I have found some replica DCA moulds on fleabay that look ok, might be worth a shot as they're much cheaper.


  8. #8

    Re: Sinkers, what do you use?

    Any pics of these?

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

  9. #9

    Re: Sinkers, what do you use?

    Pics of the breakaways?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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