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Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???
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Thread: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    Hi all.
    Need a little help please - I am current shopping for a replacement Centre Console tinny and have found a bunch of good ones in the 4.75 range, however they all seem to have 50's strapped to the back end!!!
    I previously had a 4.1 with 40 and a 4.95 with 70, both of which were ideal, but can anyone tell mean the real world version of whether a 50 would push one of these thing sufficiently with a few people on board??

    Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    Depends on the size of the people, the individual hull, the motor itself and what you are expecting in a level of performance. In two stroke, I would think 50 or 60 would be about right. 4 stroke I would be looking at 60 - 70.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    Thanks mate - yep, bit of a hard one as I would be think bigger would be needed, but I get the impression that I could be surprised. They are 2 strokes that I'm looking at and at most, I would be taking 3 average adults and 2 x kids.

  4. #4

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    Mate of mine was running a Brooker 5 metre with a 50 2 stroke. Would still plane with him, the missus, 3 kids and a boat full of crab pots. I ran a 4.5 with a 40 on it for a lot of years. It would plane with 4 adults. You can always use more horsepower on the flat days though

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    Yep, good examples. I am thinking it might do the trick - maybe good excuse for a 4str upgrade later...
    Just thinking that I whilst I might have enjoyed the 70 on my last boat, I never really used the power that was there anyway and any bar crossing would be a rarity...

  6. #6
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Mar 2012

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    My first boat was a quintrex 4.8m runabout with. 60 4s yamaha. It did everything requested of it. However, you soon learn that a bit more oomph is welcomed.
    personally, if you cant hit 70km/hr you need more power. Same as my signature, 130 was more than enough but i wanted more. 150 was on the cards until divorce killed that one. Yes, what they say is true, get the biggest you can aford.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    Thank Andy - yep, big fan of max power, just as when I went from 2cyl 30 to a 3cyl 40 once - world of difference then even. Always a bugger finding nice, but slightly under-gunned boats for sale!

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    50 may do it but after the weight your talkin youd be punchin it to get up where a 70 would do it more comfy and not need to rev as hard i dunno but 50 is safe just but if the hull can handle 70 that be the minimum id put on it with all the gear etc.. agree with scottar 50 or 60 would do it but id rather have extra hp if needed and not use it then not have it...

  9. #9

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    trouble is, when they advertise boat packages, they tend to price them with the smaller lower end HP motor rather than the upper end of the Outboards HP, as marled on the plate. this keeps the price down and makes the package look very good value, Sadly, this can sometimes end up with boats being underpowered.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    I have a 60 2 stroke on my 4.5 mt side console and most run 50 hp I certainly believe in going to the hulls max as far as HP goes mate ,otherwise you will always be kicking yourself ...Matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  11. #11

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    When i was buying my current boat, i was debating the same issue, and had a conversation with my local outboard dealer. It went like this:

    me: i am thinking a 90 would be OK.
    him: what is the hull's max rated hp?
    me: 115
    him: i have never had a customer come back to me and complain about too much hp on their boat. But i have had plenty who said they wished they had gone max hp. You know what you should do.....
    me: then 115 it will be.

    As he predicted, I have never thought "gee i wish I didnt have that much hp" and on a many occasions, I have thought "heck, i am glad Ive got that power on the back, any less could have been a worry!"

    Go with the max rated hp for the hull, or very close to it. You will then not have any regrets later.
    Note to self: Don't argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience....

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    Thanks Gents - you're all spot on - you never complain of excess power!! I'll have to think about this one as either a re-power waiting to happen or give it a swerve....The scary part is the number 4.75's and the like which I've seen with 40's!!!

  13. #13

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    I've just re powered a 5m seajay barramasta ..... Originally with a 70hp Yammi it was ok -- 2 blokes on board

    Add more gear & big battery for the leccy , a live bait tank full of water and it became a sluggish boat ..... getting out of the hole quickly was the issue . Now with a 100 yammi on the back it feels like a different boat that runs at the same speed as the WOT (70hp) but now at only 4000 rpm & burning half the fuel .

    The old she will be right & X is plenty ..... is not the best approach - You really should be choosing a motor that is at or close to the maximum rating.

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  14. #14

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    Correct, lots of salesmen will advise on a motor that makes the package cheaper, and more attractive, and sell a motor that is just OK, but there is a world of difference between OK and right! A well powered boat is a delight to operate, you don't always need max rec HP, but up towards max is always better.

  15. #15

    Re: Outboard size for a 4.75 tinny ???

    I think the boat and type of fishing you do is important. For example, my hull is rated to 115 but I installed a Suzi 90 4 str.

    Partly because the next size up went to a bigger block and the price leapt considerably. At the time I couldn't justify the additional dollars for the extra HP.

    But it's only on glass out or in a river that I push it to WOT otherwise, in the bay where I go most, the hull is often only comfortable at 3/4 throttle (~4500 rpm).

    So what I'm saying is that whilst the hull will handle more HP I'd rarely be able to use it due to the limitations of the hull. Instead I enjoy the better fuel economy all the time and just occasionally wish I had more. Plus the dollars I saved make the first few years worth of fuel free!

    By the way, it'll top out at ~55km/h which is usually fast enough for me and hole shot is fantastic.

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