Originally Posted by
Scott Mitchell 
I believe you could write to ACORF/ NSW DPI&F & request an itemised / detailed list of total expenditure if required. I am personally happy with the detail believe that NSW is currently a long way out in front of Qld as far as fisheries management goes - just my opinion.
I recon we have covered enough detail in this thread for those wanting to vote to make an informed decision & will now let this poll run it's course
Regards Scott
I certainly do not think there is enough detail in this thread for someone to make an informed decision. After a glance at the 07/08
fishing expendiature, I was horrified at what thousands of dollars have gone to. While there ARE things in there that I would like to have funded out of a
fishing licence if introduced, there is pleanty to show this is just a user pays arm of NSW fisheries.
Things like:
$30,000 just so the trust fund can be a member of RecFish. I would be screaming blue murder if Sunfish got 30K to represent me on their current record!
$16,000 for ACoRF mettings-
What the?
$5,000 for defining a Quality Recreational
Fishing Experience-
What the?
$163,000 for Eastern King Prawn Stocking- For stocking a Prawn that will leave the river and get caught by prawners when they come back to breed in other systems. If all inshore prawning was banned then I'd be fine with that.
$28,000 for expendiature commitee meeting expenses.
What the?
$1,458,000 - For fisheries officers - I agree that QLD state gov't are pathetic with funding fisheries officers and am the first to tell people we need more. But again the perfect example how a Gov't will not do the right thing if they know the average angler will pay for it.
fishing survey for just greater Sydney-
What the? Refer to my comments on ECO getting the money and ECO monitoring the RRFF mandatory catch cards. How far would $750,000 go? (not that ECO have said they want to take on the resposibility) but 750k going to an organisation would surely be enough to cover data entry of every Rec catch in the state!
$6,000 for Coffs Harbour fish cleaning facilities- Again something that should have been provided by the state gov't. There is enough going through state coffers to supply all ramps state wide just out of boat and trailer rego.
$114,000 for Charter Boat consultation and monitoring-
What the?
$79,000 for recreation
fishing in Shoal Haven river-
What the? Research and works shops for what?
$148,000 for the Trust Executive Officer-
Jobs for the boys eh? Big dollar jobs at that.
$122,000 for the Recreational Research Project-
What the? See comments of the Greater Sydney Survey
I have only brought up the ones at a glance were a waste of money or could have been spent on much more needed projects......ONLY to emphasize why the NSW program is a crap program. Also the only reason I didnt mention some of the good things the money was spent on. As I have said in the past I'm not opposed totally to a
fishing licence and things like:
fishing Havens
Artificial Reefs
Salt Restocking Programs (like NSW Mulloway)
Inshore Trawl buy outs and Beach netting buy outs in certain areas.
Just to name a few