I'd probably pick the 2400 in that lot.
What about this one ......... beeeewdiful.
Have to be careful driving in the tent pegs though.......
They sure are weapons mate i own a kevlacat 5.2 centre console and i have no complaints, been in few noosa cats and one glacier bay ill take the aussie cats. the glacier was bit scary running down sea but that may have been driver i wasn't paying to much attention.
So much love for the Ally Cats judging by this and some other threads.
Is the bangin & noise the biggest issue to most people.
I would have thought the fuel saving and smaller engines would be a big plus but it seems not so.
IMO I think the fuel saving isn't that big a deal it would take 1000 hours to really add up to a decent amount of money saving.
Time to do some Fishin & less workin.
i did a heap of trips years ago in a kevlacat 5.2 with twin two stroke 60's and i wasn't impressed. SLOW for dual engine penalty and fuel burn, ride ok not awesome (when compared to other boats same weight and outboard overhead ie 6m mono)
i.e all the disadvantages of a cat with not a lot of the advantages.
Lembo if your chasing a kevlacat centre console your in luck as one of the only ones in australia just came on the market today. As far as i know there is only 3-5 of them here in aus. I have one here on gold coast there is another up near hervy bay way that i know of, and there is the ones thats just come up for sale its on boat point under kevlacat custom. good friend of mine knows the owner and its in good condition may be worth a look
I have owned a 5.2 and it was a great boat. but needed 90s I has 60 4 bangers and it under performed. that centre console kc is bloody awesome!! very tidy. ive seen every kc for sale the last 4/5 years and it the first centre console 5.2 ive seen. a mate has a 6.2 centre console and its a weapon. they sit lower in the bum without the cabin upfront. i think id like to go bigger then a 5.2 though.
I can't see that CC lasting long at that price.
Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.
I have a 2300NC walkabout, which is a centre cab. It will be with me forever. You can fish right around the boat and 3 or four guys can rush to one side and cast away.
I have found the walkabout to be easier and forgiving to drive, and ALOT more stable than the full cab version.
Centre of gravity is around waterline.
I have been in all three Aus cats. NC,KC and Power cats and the transition from fishing to family is also in that order.
The glacier bay I was in whilst in Canada was a nice boat, but you have to be a major share holder with Shell or BP to put serious time in one
Humility is not a weather condition.
The NC 2300 walk around looks like the best of all worlds imo i have never been in one but if they go half as good as they look they would be terrific.
Re: Glacier bay fuel economy. I think they are quite good for a genuine 26ft boat. Half as big again as my 7.2 markham whaler and 2/3 rds the fuel usage. Old boat was 2 strokes of course.
Vid below shows 20 knots @ 37 l/hr total