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Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.
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Thread: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    Hey guys I'm a shark cat owner (560 sportsman )and have owned a 5.2 kevlacat and a 7m sharkcat. and I think I will never own a mono ever again. recently been looking at American cats and they build some monsters. but mostly looking at under 7m lengths (small for there boats).
    Now I live North Queensland and for the type of fishing I like doing I would love a centre cab or centre console. And that's why I'm interested in the Yank cats because they do a lot of these types of boats. Where aussie cats, its pretty much a noosa cat walkaround and everything else is full cabin.
    So what have you been in, What was on the back and how did it go? comparisons would be great eg; 2270 glacier bay better the 2400 kevlacat or whatever.
    I understand a lot of yank boats have width restrictions but will leave that out of it for now.
    I love the Noosa cats, kevlacats, sharkcats, sailfish, borger cats but the American ones look good too. Glacier bay, world cat, tiger cat, prowler cat.
    And in towable size (landcruiser).
    Would love to hear opinions of people who have been in or own any of these boats.

  2. #2

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    Done a bit of time in 5.2m KCs, a big trip in a 6.2KC, never been in a 2400KC, a bit of time in a 3100NC, a quick lap in crap in 2700NC and a fair bit of time in a Grady White 26' Tiger Cat. The Tiger Cat felt like a 30' or bigger deep V mono game boat for ride. Just a small lurching motion, no boof and bam like the Aussie boat, even the 3100 which still feels like a big trailer boat. That said, I rate them all. I'd say a deep V 30' game boat or bigger with twin diesels would ride smoother than all the cats but you have to get up into that 30' size to have any advantage over a cat then the deep V monos take over. I can remember heading out one rough day in a BW34' with twin 270hp diesels and we did it easier than a 37' KC with outboards. I love the little 5.2KCs, the 6,2s are better with the extra length and I nearly bought the 2700NC but couldn't quite stretch that far. I'd love to try a GB or World Cat or whatever to compare as well but also the industry standard 2400KC. I've got a feeling the KCs will outperform a NC for the same length though.

  3. #3
    Ausfish Bronze Member Towie0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    Lembo I live in Port Douglas been researching same as you.
    I love cats and had a Hydrofield for quite a few years which hate going into a sea it was a wet boat.

    A walk around for hunting the reefs with lures would be ideal up in FNQ chasing GT's etc the Yank boats have a lot more deck space and are finished off better than Aussie boats too. I think a KC with a usable bow to cast from would be awesome even the Sailfish doesn't really have a usable bow area sadly.
    Time to do some Fishin & less workin.

  4. #4

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    A few centre console Kevlacats were made, they would probably suit your needs, over nighting would be a hassle though, plus you would have to find one. Centre console Sharkcats are good, but also pretty rare. I personally think the Aussia cats are way better for speed, but the US boats are well finished and available in all sorts of configurations.

  5. #5

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    If you're looking for a cat in centre cab/console the states has it all over us in build quality. Tideline/Calcutta/Carolina cat...........the majority of the yank boats are this style. If I was going glass and CC I'd start somewhere here $$$$ dependent of course.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  6. #6

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    US and Australian power cats have evolved with separate paths driven primarily by fuel prices.

    Generally speaking the US boats evolved from picnic launches with hull forms becoming more complicated as speeds stopped being compatible with simple cylinder forms. Cheap fuel costs have means that the boats evolved with a eye towards ride comfort and stability. A flip side of these hulls is that the attributes that give a good ride also give an efficient slow to medium speed cruise. Since the Golf of Mexico oil spill, serious fishers are covering huge distance in search living fish so they've started chasing speed and range. This has resulted in big power and huge fuel tanks, again cheap fuel means this is an easier solution than chasing efficiency.

    Historically Australian boats have been developed for a more budget conscious client who wants to go as far and fast as possible for as little cost. This results in hull forms that are very efficient at speed but suffer in comparison when it comes to lower speed efficiency and ride.

    Using a good planing monohull as a comparison.
    US boats will typically be more stable, have a much better ride, superior low/medium speed efficiency, similar top end performance and efficiency.
    AUS boats will typically be more stable, marginally better ride, similar low/medium speed efficiency, superior top end performance and efficiency.

  7. #7

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    Not exactly sure what you are trying to say in the last paragraph, you say that US boat will typically be more stable, then say exactly the same thing about Aus boats?? And also the same about ride comparison.

  8. #8

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    I'm comparing both to a generic data mono. So both have better stability than the data boat (but similar to each other). Ride is subtlety different. I've said the US ride is much better than the datum but the Australian ride is only marginally better. Another way to write it would be:

    Worse --> Better
    Stability. Monohull --> AUS/US
    Ride: Monohull --> Aus --> US
    Low speed efficiency: Monohull/AUS --> US
    Top end performance/efficiency: Monohull --> US --> AUS

  9. #9

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    Noosacat make a standard full walk around centre cab model in their 2300 2400 range

  10. #10

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    I love cats of all types. Most of them are better than mono hulls in trying conditions.

    I dont think they are always the best boat for neophytes tho, as they require some experience to be driven to their best
    I am very happy with my (american cat) 2640 glacier bay, but it is bigger than you are considering. Its little brother the 2240 doesnt have the same reputation though. Other american cats such as Calcuttas and tidelines are really expensive, particularly if imported. Cats are the flavor of the month in the US but

    I dont believe new american cats are affordable for australians anymore

    Me personally I would buy a 2nd hand World Cat along the lines of this

    use Portsea marine to bring it in ($20K) . I did with my GB and couldn't be happier.

    Chris tucker from what ive read, appears to have his finger on the pulse in regard to catamarans / boats and his views are worth considering imo

  11. #11

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    I did 5 days out of Lucinda on a friends 28 world cat in pretty good weather so no adverse sea ability to comment on but it handled the SE chop easily. Well finished boat with 225 Hondas. Good access to the bow and he bought it ex US for the right price. The down side was $700 for the fuel bill FOR ONE DAY! Heavy boat but there's no substitution for weight if you want a smooth ride.

  12. #12

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    old one but a good one.

    Kiwi Cat:

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    yeah I know there were a few centre console kevlacats were made, my brothers best mate owns a 6.2centre console and its a weapon. so much fishing room. but rare as hens teeth. A walkaround noosa cat 2300 is my dream boat but there out of my price range. the world cat centre consoles look awesome. around the 22/24 foot mark looks great. having the ability to fish 360 degrees on the reef up here would be great. I don't see why aussie cats don't at least make there bows useable. would be great to hear from someone who as used or owned a world cat and kevlacat/ noosacat in 24 foot size and can comment on which they think is better.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member Towie0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    I'm finding it difficult to get accurate numbers on fuel too the best I'm working on is 1 Lt per Klm and I want to be doing trips out of Port Douglas it's 100klm to Cooktown to re fuel then out to Lizard and remote reefs between Port Douglas and there.... Here are a few to take a gander at Lembo although I have no idea of your budget.

    Ally obviously better economy but harsher ride.



    Time to do some Fishin & less workin.

  15. #15

    Re: Yank cats vs Aussie cats your thoughts.

    Big difference in economy if the zuk's are the lean burn post '12 mdl's.

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