Originally Posted by
Hi Pros,
yes that's pretty much it.
Though it's mainly concentrated on the side scan. a few hundred revs makes a clearly discernible change and is instant even though boat speed has barely changed. I can otherwise maintain a bottom image on the "normal" sounder at 30knots. ( hence why I don't think it's transducer location related (also easier to trouble shoot electronic interference first before I start drilling new holes to relocate the transducer (and it's a plate boat with no strakes - so it's all pretty similar in terms of clean flow to the transducer.
weirdly It also seems to get worse over time on the water eg as the battery heats up - hence why I'm concentrating on that first.
The bit from the installation manual I'm referring to says
Additional Grounding Consideration
This consideration is applicable only to devices that have agrounding screw. Not all models have a grounding screw.This device should not need additional chassis grounding inmost installation situations. If you experience interference, thegrounding screw on the housing can be used to connect thedevice to the water ground of the boat to help avoid theinterference.
Just keen to know whether I can hook the grounding screw up to the negative on the battery ( as opposed to the "water ground" ) without causing any issues to see if this helps with my interference ( but will also be doing the other things I mentioned above re separate battery etc)