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Thread: why did my Thread get five stars?

  1. #1

    why did my Thread get five stars?

    Hi Just wondering, I recently created a thread, which has five or six gold stars beside it now. Just curious to know who puts them there and what is the criteria? I don't have a big head about it, but it has happened a few times.
    thanks moderators. Please advise
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  2. #2

    Re: why did my Thread get five stars?

    Quote Originally Posted by odes20 View Post
    Hi Just wondering, I recently created a thread, which has five or six gold stars beside it now. Just curious to know who puts them there and what is the criteria? I don't have a big head about it, but it has happened a few times.
    thanks moderators. Please advise
    Maybe it was an extra good post

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Funchy's Avatar
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    Re: why did my Thread get five stars?

    top right hand corner of the thread has a drop down whereby you can rate a thread. I suspect someone thought it was totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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