I find I now have the need to buy a 2nd boat, probably a small inflatable for light usage of 10 days per year. As it will only be light usage, and not the main boat I'm looking at the lower end of the market to save some coin. Parsun Outboards pop up as a cheap engine. I have always though Chinese, cheap = trouble, but they have been around for while now, and you do see a few out on the water.
So, is anyone using one? How do they go? Problems?
I'm told the parts from Yamaha engines are interchangeable, is this correct.
Poor resale value, but the savings at the start may out weigh that loss.
A 9.8 hp 2 stroke Parsun : $1695.00. while a Yamaha 9.9 hp 2 stroke: $2425.00
I'm not sure of different warranties at this stage.
Thanks for any help