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Parsun Outboards
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Thread: Parsun Outboards

  1. #1

    Parsun Outboards

    I find I now have the need to buy a 2nd boat, probably a small inflatable for light usage of 10 days per year. As it will only be light usage, and not the main boat I'm looking at the lower end of the market to save some coin. Parsun Outboards pop up as a cheap engine. I have always though Chinese, cheap = trouble, but they have been around for while now, and you do see a few out on the water.
    So, is anyone using one? How do they go? Problems?
    I'm told the parts from Yamaha engines are interchangeable, is this correct.
    Poor resale value, but the savings at the start may out weigh that loss.
    A 9.8 hp 2 stroke Parsun : $1695.00. while a Yamaha 9.9 hp 2 stroke: $2425.00
    I'm not sure of different warranties at this stage.

    Thanks for any help



  2. #2

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Do a search, this was beat up recently by a member and someone affiliated with Parsun/Sail or whatever they are called this week. Some parts are Yamaha compatible, but not all, but then why would you try to save money at purchase, then buy over priced Yamaha parts later on? I personally don't own one, and probably never will, my only first hand info on them is a 9.9? my mate got some time ago, from new it was almost impossible to start, various warranty "repairs" left it still useless, to this day, it's under a bench in his garage, he ended up buying a near new second hand "brand name"

  3. #3
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    techny all machine is made the same way, just come down to how cheap they can trade for the mat, it is yamaha parts for some but just a different name, just like how ford and mazda onced shared a 5cyc engine lol on there ranger and bt50
    it also pending how the user use them and look after them

    80% of the brand name is made from china lol, so if you think chinese is cheap... then next time you buy a car, tv, sofa... make sure it not made in china for your peace of mind...

    only thing u need worrie about is not what it from but the warranties of the product, that where it break a leg, anyhow ive seen the design for these outboard and advice you to stay away from it if your not mechanic minded, the major part are yamaha but still no real dealership to services

    anyhow if you want something cheap go, tohatsu

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Completely different to mazda/ford 5cyl. They are the same engine. Parsun/ yamaha are NOT the same engine. they are a copy with enough bits changed to get away with it.
    They are not even made out of the same grade metals.
    Yes they are a little cheaper initially but they are hit and miss like no name petrol garden tools.

    As for your comparison in price 9.8hp engines are best compared with 8-9.8hp engines not 9.9hp as the 9.9hps are generally a larger engine in both size weight and cubic capacity.
    Hope this clears things up a little

  5. #5

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    G'day Mick

    My name is Garry I've the guy that first started testing chinese branded motors in Australia and finally aligned myself with Parsun after 2 solid years of testing all chinese brands. I'm an outboard mechanic by trade and have worked for all major brands before starting my own company. Outside of china nobody knows chinese outboards better then myself.
    Reading the comments above Kizza1 sounds like he knows the most about the motors. Our 9.8hp Parsun isn't a copy of the Yamaha its a copy of both the 9.8hp Mercury and Tohatsu motors. A majority or the parts are interchangeable but our parts prices are around 20% of the cost of the major brands.
    Noelm you mentioned different brand names we only sell Parsun outboards. Sail is anther company which is currently closing its manufacturing plant. You also mentioned you have a friend with a motor that is hard to start. I personally handle all warranty claims. Currently we don't have any open warranty claims. We do our best to solve them and get the customer back in the water within 7 days. Of course sometimes this goes a bit longer but not to often. We take warranty claims very seriously so please get your friend to contact me directly on 02 9532-0002. I'll discuss with him what the issue is and see if we can get the motor back to our main service department. To show good faith for your friend if we can't get the motor to start within 5 pulls after looking at it under warranty I'll refund him his full purchase price. You cant ask for better warranty then this. I'll update this forum to let them know how it went.
    Mick if you feel like chatting about the motors please feel free to give me a call.
    Safe boating everyone

  6. #6

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Thanks for the reply Garry, very much appreciated.

  7. #7

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Mercury 20hp can be had for 2000. It pays to shop around...

  8. #8

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Hi Guys

    Just a follow up to my previous thread. Noelm you mentioned your friends motor with the problem. I haven't heard back from you with his details so I can follow up on your comments and help him out or offer him a refund.
    Can you please get back to my with his contact details and I'll get in touch with him.
    I really like to show people on this thread we try out best to go above and beyond to sort out any warranty issues. If they exist.

  9. #9

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    I don't think he is interested in anything to do with his dud motor, I think it is a couple of years old now, and virtually unused, he was going to give it away at one stage, I will see him and ask.

  10. #10

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    G'Day Noelm
    Thanks for the reply. Thats ok if he doesn't want to do anything with the motor. Definately get him to call me and we can discuss giving him a refund. I can't think of anybody or any reason why someone wouldn't take me up on this offer.
    Seeing the motor is virtually unused it gives us plently of options: We can fix it and offer it for sale 2nd hand or strip it and use it for 2nd hand parts.
    Anyway please get back to me within a week. Or if you can PM me his name and contact number I'll be very interested in speaking with him to get everything sorted out. I'll keep everyone updated on this thread.
    Safe boating everyone
    Garry from Parsun.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Quote Originally Posted by Parsun View Post
    G'Day Noelm
    Thanks for the reply. Thats ok if he doesn't want to do anything with the motor. Definately get him to call me and we can discuss giving him a refund. I can't think of anybody or any reason why someone wouldn't take me up on this offer.
    Seeing the motor is virtually unused it gives us plently of options: We can fix it and offer it for sale 2nd hand or strip it and use it for 2nd hand parts.
    Anyway please get back to me within a week. Or if you can PM me his name and contact number I'll be very interested in speaking with him to get everything sorted out. I'll keep everyone updated on this thread.
    Safe boating everyone
    Garry from Parsun.

    Mate that's outstanding service if you are willing to do that.
    Confidence.......the feeling you get before you fully understand the situation.

  12. #12

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    if it's a 6/8/9.8 short shaft I am still looking for a wrecked one to convert my long shaft tohatsu. How about Parsun?
    nil carborundum illegitimi

  13. #13

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Hi GBC
    Just to confirm you want to convert your Tohatsu 9.8hp long shaft into a short shaft? Not the other way around?
    Let me know and I'll dig around to see if I have some 2nd hand gear that may suit
    Garry from Parsun

  14. #14

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Exactly right Garry. Happy to donate the long shaft to you after the changeover is done too.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    nil carborundum illegitimi

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Parsun Outboards

    Hi Garry from Parsun,

    Curious if Noelm's 'mate' has contacted you for his refund? (if the guy exists, he would be crazy not to take you up on your generous refund offer)

    Credit to you for coming on this forum and supporting your product 100%.


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