new to me old rig including the 1990 model 30hp Yamaha the 3 cylinder oil injection version
over the past few days me and a mate done most of the running around about 16km's than 4 of us on board done a further 9km's
this little motor has used around 20 litres of fuel, i know the amercians go by 30hp = 3 gallons per hour which = 13.5 litres
just seems like tossing in a 3rd cylinder these little motors guzzle the fuel, now u might be saying 20 litres is FAR but i want to do lengthy trips outside and worried i might run out of juice right behind the bommie
now my boat is jammed with all safety gear etc.. so no place really for a jerry can or spare fuel tank that will only get in the way
what are other peoples fuel economy like with the 2 cylinder 25/30hp motors? i was told my motor just had a rebuild it looks like it but the fuel economy is down the giggler with this two banger