Hi Guys,
Im about to paint my boat using the Wattyl System (PR250 Etch Primer, UC230 High Build Primer and Poly U400 2k Top Coat) and have a couple questions that I havnt found the answers too in previous threads.
- I live in a remote town so need to order the paint in and I'm trying to calculate the amount required of each colour. The product sheet says coverage of 9.8m2 per liter for the Poly U400, Assuming the average thinning rate of 20% this would make 6L of paint per 5L kit (4L Part A & 1L Part B). How many coats of Poly U should I allow for?
- Same question as above with the UC230 high build primer, how many coats should I allow for?
- Im assuming you only apply 1 coat of etch primer?
- Can people recommend an appropriate respirator and disposable cartridges to spray 2k. Ive found some old threads but the links to the products are discontinued.