i was given some ETEC oil, so, wondering if it will hurt to use it in my 2st carb mercury.?
will have to mix it with the existing oil
i was given some ETEC oil, so, wondering if it will hurt to use it in my 2st carb mercury.?
will have to mix it with the existing oil
Have you got much?
If it is unopened you would probably be better selling it seeing it is $60/$70 per Gallon.![]()
Funny you should put this up today. I have just been reading about this oil -v's- TC-W3 for my Johnson 115hp two stroke
What are others opinions, I would like to hear them
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Can it be used in 2 stroke non direct injection outboards - Yes. What you don't know is how it will react with the existing oil and whether mixing it will create any issues. Your motor, your call.xd100.png
No way would I risk anything in my 60 hP 2 stroke merc that's done 940 hrs other than the premium quicksilver oil it has never missed a beat and starts almost instantly every time ,but like scottar said your motor your choice but not in my motor at least...matt
A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......
XD100 oil is a full synthetic oil if it's rated TCW-3 your fine, they do say you shouldn't mix oils. Put a little in a bottle mix them together there shouldn't be any separation between the two oils. Fully synthetic TCW-3 outboard oil is the best oil if you can find it.
Hopefully can view the full size version in this post from the E-Tec site.
Hi ericcs
have a look at this.
XD100 is not for pre-mix engines.
I know all two stokes are not exactly same.
I run a 2000 model V4 Johnson 115hp two stroke.
Having read all the comments, I sent an email to EVINRUDE/ JOHNSON asking their thoughts on using XD100 in my outboard.
Not that I am going to immediately change oil, but I receive this from EVINRUDE/ JOHNSON to day.
Just putting the information out there for others.
Re: Oil inquiry
Good morning
Thanks for your recent inquiry
I can confirm you can use XD100 oil in your engine.
You will find the oil is more expensive to use but is very good quality and offers better protection for your engine.
I hope that helps.
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact us
Consumer Support Representative APAC
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I've used xd100 in the lawn mower and whipper snipper a few times now because I couldn't be bothered going down the shop to buy 2 stroke oil.
I've also run a litre or so of normal servo 2 stroke oil through the etec on the odd occassion when we've decided to go fishing late and there was no where to get xd100 at the time without any issues apart from the smell.
The motor has done around about 700hrs now without a hiccup and the coupleof times the normal oil went in was well over 300hrs ago.
If your still worried about using the xd100 I'll take it off your hands 😊