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Thread: Replace or repair prop?

  1. #16

    Re: Replace or repair prop?

    I picked up a nice little dent about the size of half a 10 cent coin half way up 1 blade the last trip I done off Fraser.
    Weird, as I don't recall hitting anything and no damage or marks to the other blades.
    Was like someone smacked it hard with a length of reo bar.
    Managed to panel beat it out and seems Ok now.

  2. #17

    Re: Replace or repair prop?

    Quote Originally Posted by beerhunter View Post
    i wonder how often they fail and leave you stranded?
    Primarily that is going to depend on how often you repeat today's performance. Spun hubs do happen but even then the prop is usually good for a "slow boat to China" ride home. A mate of mine did this from Tanga's to Wellington point one day - took him 6 hours. He's divorced now, not sure if this was part of it but his missus was NOT happy. Carrying a spare if you are new to an area is not a bad idea - specially with ally. I was with the old man one day in Cobby Creek at Jumpinpin when he clipped the one rock that stands up at high tide far enough to hit - took the blade right off. Yes it would still get you home but once again - "slow boat". We changed props and off we went - day saved. If you are going to get a new one anyway, also check with a couple of wreckers - might be a cheaper way of getting a spare than getting yours fixed.

  3. #18

    Re: Replace or repair prop?

    Thanks for the advice. There must be a bit of imbalance now do you think it will cause dramas? Boat seems to still go the same maybe a bit of a vibration not sure though.

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