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new motor for webster 4.9?
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Thread: new motor for webster 4.9?

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    new motor for webster 4.9?

    hi all, my father in law tohatsu 70hp is about 1400ish hrs... my wife n i are planing to give him a new motor for xmas.. it a very old 1999 webster 4.9... so i couldnt find any specs for the recommended motor weight... so im at a lost... however i am looking at another 70hp... just there soo many brands now lol

    any1 got recommend? and price for fitted as well?

  2. #2

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Mate of mine had a Yamaha 4 stroke fitted over the boat show season. Cost him about nine and a half for a tiller steer. Runs on the smell of an oily rag. Great engine from what I have seen of it.

    Doesn't like the link. Brisbanes biggest yamaha dealer at Burpengary

  3. #3

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Hello mitc69,
    Consider who the local dealer is.
    Try another Tohatsu, the bolt holes will match, you may be able to re-use the cables and you might even get something as a trade-in.
    Four strokes are nice but unless your F-in-L does lots of hours you will never make up the extra cost in fuel savings.

  4. #4

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Would you consider being my son in law mitc69, I really need an outboard upgrade.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Ah thought about it we end up gettin him 2x 40hp Honda today hopefully he can get it install after boxing day

  6. #6

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
    Hello mitc69,
    Consider who the local dealer is.
    Try another Tohatsu, the bolt holes will match, you may be able to re-use the cables and you might even get something as a trade-in.
    Four strokes are nice but unless your F-in-L does lots of hours you will never make up the extra cost in fuel savings.
    The bolt holes will match regardless of brand, why would you buy a brand new engine and skimp on a few dollars and use your old cables and stuff? Owning a 4 stroke is not all about fuel savings, there is lots of positives besides that.

  7. #7

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Quote Originally Posted by mitc69 View Post
    Ah thought about it we end up gettin him 2x 40hp Honda today hopefully he can get it install after boxing day
    Hello Mitch, curious as why you went with 2x40hp Hondas, as the Webster is a single engine catamaran and isn't set up to take twin engines. Something in the 70-90hp range would be sufficient for that boat.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    i used to own a cat now i own a seafox, and in the process of building a plate wa boat... i took the webster out and found it lacking... especially trying to tilt it.. the bow just couldnt come down even at 20knots, i have no idea how any1 can drive like that lol... it also annoy the crap of of me how it shift to the right if not control... not very safe for bad condi... nothing a little wielding cant do... multi hull means 2 motor... webster are fine if your inshore i suppose with 1 motor... i just personally dont like 2stroke... and the price nowday of 4stroke only afew 100s more

  9. #9

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Hello mitc69

    I must defend the Websters.
    I have owned a 4.3m for 10 years now and it is absolutely head and shoulders above anything else for its size.
    It has never given me a bad moment at sea.
    The only quirk of the handling is that it leans the wrong in turns, so what, it's not a ski boat.
    I have all the trim adjustment in the world.
    As for "shift to the right" please expand on that comment.
    Also " a little welding" what does that mean.?
    When I replaced my motor four years ago (only a 60hp) the four stroke was over a thousand dollars dearer, not a few 100s.
    A little accuracy and explanation would go a long way.

  10. #10

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Hi Mitc69 I had owned a 2002 webster 4.9 it was fitted with a honda 90 4 stroke I never has any trouble with the boat or motor, i have it out at Coffs at solitory island in pretty rough weather and the boat was as safe as anything. The only thing I noticed was when the motor went in for a service they had to fit a shield in the motor to stop mist ingesting from under the hull. Never had any nose up problems it always popped up on the plain. Hope this helps.

  11. #11

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    I heavily modified my 4.3 and part of it was a 60l fuel tank that sits right on the transom. I have a large full height casting deck and if I'm doing a light run up the river and there's not a lot of weight up front it was very hard to get on the plain. A hydrofoil fixed the issue perfectly and now I've had to re-prop because the rpm went off the chart at WOT.

    For a 4.9m cuddy id be looking at a 90hp 4stroke and if the issue persists try a hydrofoil. If I was doing a lot of ocean time I'd be looking at trim tabs also. I don't see how you could convert a Webster into a twin engine rig without ripping off the whole transom and starting from scratch. It just wouldn't be worth it.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    not at all with the transom, just wield an extension plate to both side and there you have it

    well when i took it out the tohatsu couldnt push pass 20knot, might be the compression, i try 20min troll around 5knots.. the webstar just kept moving to the right side, wasnt to my liking... no offense to webstars owners... we all just have different taste how a cat should be... i personally think 2 motors...

    i've try talking him into selling his boat and getting a new one.. but it been about 14yrs of that boat he wont give it up... so we decided with the motors lol.. but anyhow if he dosent wanna change it, he can always trade them or selling them for 90hp... since he dosent see it until 12th jan

  13. #13

    Re: new motor for webster 4.9?

    Quote Originally Posted by mitc69 View Post
    not at all with the transom, just wield an extension plate to both side and there you have it

    well when i took it out the tohatsu couldnt push pass 20knot, might be the compression, i try 20min troll around 5knots.. the webstar just kept moving to the right side, wasnt to my liking... no offense to webstars owners... we all just have different taste how a cat should be... i personally think 2 motors...

    i've try talking him into selling his boat and getting a new one.. but it been about 14yrs of that boat he wont give it up... so we decided with the motors lol.. but anyhow if he dosent wanna change it, he can always trade them or selling them for 90hp... since he dosent see it until 12th jan
    If the tohey was performing like that there is something definitely wrong and possibly not with the engine also. I could get 27knot out of a 4.3cc with a 40hp 2 stroke. You won't be able to mount twin engines centrally. You'd have to remove the central engine mount and wave splitter and build separate engine brackets behind each hull. Massive job.
    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

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