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Dual Battery system - what batteries
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Thread: Dual Battery system - what batteries

  1. #1

    Dual Battery system - what batteries


    I currently have the Marine Pro 720 century batteries on my Victory. They are from 2012 so I am thinking of replacing them, the volts on the dash are sitting around 10-11. It charges when underway but then drops so I rather replace them.

    I have read that it is a good idea to have one cranking battery and one deep cycle. The ones that came with the boat are both deep cycle. What would be the best way to replace these? I was thinking of just getting the same unless someone else recommends something else?

    I have an etec 225 on the back.

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  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Crunchy's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Those Century Marine Pro 720 are a kind of a dual purpose - start and deep cycle cross over, they are very good batteries when maintained properly, it's what I have been running for many years without any complaints. Do you keep on charge when not in use?

  3. #3

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    No I don't. I usually take the boat out a lot though, but this year it has been quite difficult. Next year will be a different story!

    Yes I thought they were a bit of a crossover. I might just get the same!

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Get the same again or the Exide allrounder version...........maybe consider a small maintence charger also that'll keep em in good nick.
    Confidence.......the feeling you get before you fully understand the situation.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries


    I just replaced two motor batteries and a house main and a secondary house, all still in use but it was felt that maybe it was time
    What I replaced were 1st house,ACDelco Voyager, Oct 2005 2nd house another AC Oct 2002 Port motor ACDelco March 2003 Stbd motor ACDelco June 2010 and not too bad as it still holds 12 volt so its kept as a spare

    Replaced all the above with 3 new HCM27SMF ACDelco High Cycle batteries. Two for start and one for house. Should do the job for another 10 years. Specs.

    They (the AC Delco battery) seem to be rather cost effective and weight around 20 kgs each.


  6. #6

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    That is a good price. I just found the above on special at BCF so went with them.

    Now another question. Is it best to start with two batteries selected or 1?

    When underway, charge both of them and when you stop and use your acc, just run of the batteries?

    What is the best method here?

    Thanks guys

  7. #7

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Use crank to start
    Charge both underway
    Use secondary under anchor
    Be careful that u don't leave both on and have a secondary that's way undercharged as when you switch to both they will equalise "drain your crank to charge the secondary"

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  8. #8

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    I recommend getting a pair of blue top Optima batteries AGM can mount them on their side, fully sealed. I wanted to buy local but their price was crazy and just a rip off. I will buy all my batts online for now on. Make sure you have always got a Ctek fitted to maintenance charge your batts when not fishing. You should get about 4 or 5 years out of them easy. Most are getting about 7 years.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Fit an auto battery coupler ABC, so the house gets charged as you run the motor.

    Use your accs and as the voltage drops the motor battery will be automatically disconnected and the power is only drawn from the house so you always have a fully charged motor battery to start and run the motor.

    Fully automatic so you don't have to do anything and new users of family cannot strand you either.


  10. #10

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlue View Post
    Use crank to start
    Charge both underway
    Use secondary under anchor
    Be careful that u don't leave both on and have a secondary that's way undercharged as when you switch to both they will equalise "drain your crank to charge the secondary"

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Thanks mate

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member Crunchy's Avatar
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    Jun 2008

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Thats a lot of switching, while you are changing your battery set up a VSR mate, not hard to do and 'best practice' so to speak.

  12. #12

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimo View Post
    Fit an auto battery coupler ABC, so the house gets charged as you run the motor.

    Use your accs and as the voltage drops the motor battery will be automatically disconnected and the power is only drawn from the house so you always have a fully charged motor battery to start and run the motor.

    Fully automatic so you don't have to do anything and new users of family cannot strand you either.

    I haven't heard of this, I will look into it. Thank you!

  13. #13
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    I can give you the name and contact details of the marine electrician on the Gold Coast who makes them and still has them if thats of interest. (Just checked and when I rang he was in a bilge doing stuff )

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  14. #14

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Quote Originally Posted by Chimo View Post
    I can give you the name and contact details of the marine electrician on the Gold Coast who makes them and still has them if thats of interest. (Just checked and when I rang he was in a bilge doing stuff )

    VSR does the same thing and is more cost effective $55

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  15. #15

    Re: Dual Battery system - what batteries

    Ok, I will look into both, than you.

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